Not every player manages to complete 1 raid a week.
I play every week all the pinnacle activities and yet I am at 1555.
The pinnacle drop is totally random and every time it gives the pinnacle piece that you already have at the highest light.
Ex. I have Helmet at 1554 and I drop the pinnacle at 1553.
Makes no sense.
In this way it impossible to reach 1560 light.
Thus I won’t be able to play GMs.
And the artefact takes too long to level up.
So one of the two (artefact - pinnacle system) has to be reviewed.
Please don’t comment silly things just cause you play 24/7 and you are 1560+30 artefact cause Im talking about people that play 1 hour a day, not 20 a week.
Just saying the game requires too much farming -> boring as hell-> people frustrated -> lower player base
If you raid, you don't even notice it. So you have both extremes, it's your choice.
It's meant by design nothing to fret about! Next coming seasons it will be even harder!
Complains about grind in a grind focused game, what’re the odds
Edited by Kiro - 13: 5/4/2022 1:30:48 PMI mean I did it with out raiding & only playing 1 character............... I feel like your not telling us something, like you dont do Well Spring, Iron Banner, or weekly campaign missions.
[quote]I play every week all the pinnacle activities and yet I am at 1555.[/quote] No you don’t. You haven’t done a single Legend Wellspring or weekly Campaign Mission. The biggest problem that players who complain about pinnacles face is that they waste time on +1’s (3 x playlists) instead of doing more +2’s.
I hot 1560 without raids
Edited by Artisan: 5/2/2022 7:21:41 PMNot sure how 100+ players can comment but this is downvoted. The random slot Pinnacle system is atrocious. General grind to bloat meager content is endemic. Catering primarily to full-time players at the expense of regular players is mindless - a job not a game. The Artifact needs to be reengineered in any case. Destiny 2 as just a constant Champion-based activity has to change and soon.
Master wellspring Vox obscura Altars of reflection. (Some powerful gear gave me one up) Weekly mission Preservation Vanguard strikes of the same singe (3) Gambit (3) Crucible (3) Grasp of avarice (easy) Dares of eternity 3 times or on legend. The raid doesn’t matter u have those things right there and your too lazy to do them bro. Quit complaining and play the game
Edited by T_rar: 5/3/2022 11:19:37 PMI'm a veteran player and a support this message. I'm likely not going to hit 1575 to do GM's this season, even though it's largely all I'm interested in doing at this point. I play a fair bit. Lots of hours this season doing the stuff I wanted to do. I fully admit I could have done more to get my light higher, I'm just tired of it man. I've done this light grind like 30 times now and I'm over it. GMs lock your light level so there is zero point making the requirements that high. It would be the exact same difficulty at any light level they choose to set it at. Sorry Bungie if rather not play than do this pinnacle grind again. It is what it is. 🤷🏻♂️
Yeah this game caters exclusively to those who play this game sun up to sun down seven days a week. And also to those who have the skill to do everything on super duper hyper mega master mode. I ain't either of those. I'm 35, I have a job and own a house. Imma go play pacman or some shiz.
You are not entitled to 1560 you must earn 1560 weakling
No it’s not I was 1350 and got to 1560 gear in 2 weeks not a grind at all if you play all pinnacles at 1550 2 weeks tops
Might go by faster if you used all 3 characters and only focused on the +2 sources. If youre [i]that[/i] limited for time, ignore all the +1 pinnacles (strikes, crucible, gambit). Focus on the fast ones like preservation or vox obscura. But honestly.. just sit down and play a couple times a week. If it really mattered that much you would be more invested. Pinnacle cap is easily obtainable if youre smart with your powerfuls/prime engrams.
Its not even necessary to hit pinnacle cap since season rank bonus exists. As soon as the next season starts the hard cap will become 1560 and the new pinnacle cap becomes 1570.
You dont need to throw hours at the game to get max level. You need to be efficient in the early season with your powerfuls and pinnacles. I've played elden ring more than destiny this season and my warlock has been sitting at max level since like week 3.
but, it isn't though. Also, farming is what keeps the game alive. There's a lot of us that enjoy that aspect of the game - and the hours we put in in a week are probably more than you do for half the year. It only makes sense, financially, that Bungie caters to volume. And that's not to say that the game shouldn't or isn't plenty of fun for you, you still play. Literally the only issue you have is doing GM's and master raids/dungeons. To that, the answer is just to play a little more than you do one weekend and you should get there easy.
Playing 1 hour a day is the reason it’s taking forever. That’s a you problem. From my POV. All I did was dedicate Tuesday nights after work for pinnacle grind and after that just complete daily bounties for an hour everyday or every other day for ranking up my season level. Don’t even have to play 24/7.
Edited by xbroggiex: 5/3/2022 4:12:14 AMAnyone really defending the pinnacle levelling system is actually braindead. It is a -blam!- system that is more of a pain in the -blam!- to play around or with than it is fun as a progression system, not only does it still suffer from complete RNG on whether you'll level up or not which is worse when you get to almost max and have a 1/8 chance of getting the item you need. You also have the problems of if I finally reach 1560 power and want to do say a GM and want to level a particular weapon thats at 1550 to 1560 because it does way more damage I have to go do powerfuls or pinnacles and hope it drops in that slot just to have it be more viable in endgame content, this is really boring and doesn't engage the player in a meaningful way other than replaying old content just to level up a single item so they can go play the thing they want to play. They honestly should do away with the pinnacle levelling system entirely or have it be a once a year thing to level gear and just have artifact power grind with seasons.
Btw this week I dropped 4 energetic pinnacle weapons out of 6 pinnacles done. Last week I dropped 2 pinnacle gauntlets and 3 class items. What’s your thought guys? At this point Bungie is making a fool of us
Theres a lot of single player games out there, if you cant reach a single power cap this game isnt for you
I did not due half the pinnacle activities (no pvp or gambit,100k NF,GoA) and made it to 1560 base on all my toons in 5 weeks. It takes forever if you just do the +1 stuff,you gotta do the raid and it goes rather quickly.
[quote]Not every player manages to complete 1 raid a week. I play every week all the pinnacle activities and yet I am at 1555. The pinnacle drop is totally random and every time it gives the pinnacle piece that you already have at the highest light. Ex. I have Helmet at 1554 and I drop the pinnacle at 1553. Makes no sense. In this way it impossible to reach 1560 light. Thus I won’t be able to play GMs. And the artefact takes too long to level up. So one of the two (artefact - pinnacle system) has to be reviewed. Please don’t comment silly things just cause you play 24/7 and you are 1560+30 artefact cause Im talking about people that play 1 hour a day, not 20 a week. Just saying the game requires too much farming -> boring as hell-> people frustrated -> lower player base[/quote] The grind is for players who want to play for 15+ a day perhaps to stream their games. The grind isn’t for me so I don’t care if I get to 1560 or not
You need to play 3 classes and pass the weapons. When 1 item from next level, pull it out of season pass.
If you go by Bungie's garbage season reset, yes it's a lot of wasted time just to constantly re-level just to be able to reenter activities you already have multiple times, especially re-leveling all 3 characters. If you actually have a game that the grind has an actual purpose, then that is another story. But we're taking about a game that has no purpose...
Fyi: there are +1 pinnacles and +2 pinnacles. +2 is usually from raids, nightfall, etc +1 is from the 3 strikes, the 3 gambit games, the 3 crucible games, etc
My guy you don't have to Raid to get to the cap. I have two characters at 1560 and I have yet to set foot on the raid.