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5/6/2022 11:30:49 AM
#Help #gameplay

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  • Hello there. The forums [b][u]cannot[/b][/u] be used to appeal game bans. If you think you have been wrongly banned, you will need to use the appeal forum which is found at the link below. Please note that there is [b][u]no guarantee[/b][/u] you will get a response and nor is there a guarantee Bungie will review your ban. [quote] [/quote] For full information on Bungie's ban and restriction policy, please check out the link below.

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    • Hello there[url=],[/url] That does not sound like a ban was issued. That sounds like you are having an issue that is causing a crash. Please follow the steps outlined below to provide an accurate system report. [b]Please do not follow these steps while Destiny 2 is running.[/b] 1. Restart your machine. 2. When you log in, please click on the Windows icon on the lower right, then type dxdiag. If typed correctly, only one command should appear. Please click it. (If you need to enter the credentials of an administrator of the PC, please do so). 3. Allow the tool to run. A green bar should progress on the bottom portion of the window. If you receive any dialogue boxes as it progresses, please address them accordingly. 4. Once the tool is completed, please click on the "Save All Information" button. Save the resulting text file in an easy to find location, such as your Desktop. Then, close the tool. 5. Open the text file you just created and copy all of text to your clipboard by selecting all of it (Ctrl+A) and copying it (Ctrl +C OR rightclick and click Copy). Then, close the file. 6. Go to 7. In the text box below, paste all of the text in the box. 8. If you would like to make your system specs hidden, you can change the Paste Exposure to Unlisted. This will hide it from the Public section of the site but still allow people to view your Paste. Then, click the Create New Paste button. 9. Copy the resulting URL and reply back to this comment with the URL. ---Google translate----- 這聽起來不像是發布了禁令。聽起來您遇到了導致崩潰的問題。 請按照以下步驟提供準確的系統報告。 [b]命運 2 運行時請不要執行這些步驟。[/b] 1. 重啟你的機器。 2. 登錄時,請點擊右下角的Windows圖標,然後輸入dxdiag。如果輸入正確,應該只出現一個命令。請點擊它。 (如果您需要輸入 PC 管理員的憑據,請輸入)。 3. 讓工具運行。窗口底部應出現一個綠色條。如果您在進程中收到任何對話框,請相應地處理它們。 4. 工具完成後,請點擊“保存所有信息”按鈕。將生成的文本文件保存在易於查找的位置,例如您的桌面。然後,關閉該工具。 5. 打開剛剛創建的文本文件,將所有文本複製到剪貼板,方法是選擇所有文本 (Ctrl+A) 並複制它(Ctrl +C 或右鍵單擊並單擊複製)。然後,關閉文件。 6. 訪問 7. 在下面的文本框中,粘貼該框中的所有文本。 8. 如果您想隱藏您的系統規格,您可以將粘貼曝光更改為未列出。這會將其從網站的公共部分隱藏,但仍允許人們查看您的粘貼。然後,單擊創建新粘貼按鈕。 9. 複製生成的 URL 並使

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    • Edited by TympanicMalaney: 5/6/2022 11:35:45 AM
      the forums cannot help with bans or restriction. you will have to just fill out the appeals form and hope for the best.

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    • it is most likely because of software on your machine that is not allowed or you are running a network accelerator. network accelerators are not allowed as they can be used to manipulate network traffic which is against the rules.

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