In the search for a new leader of the forum, we will begin by nominating our candidates
You may nominate yourself
You may nominate someone else (they must accept the nomination)
To nominate yourself or another forum goer, you must make a post before May 18th with [i]username[/i] and Nomination in the title as well as the "offtopicelection" tag.
For a nomination to be authenticated, it must recieve 4 bumps from users. [b]You may not bump your own post[/b]
To bump a post, you make a comment that has the word "bump" or some variation on the thread of the candidate you wish to nominate. [b]You may only bump 1 post[/b]
Happy Bumping from your soon to be ex-OwOverlord.
I don’t go here often, but guys, it would be REALLY funny if I got it, which is why I’m running for Offtopic President. I will make this place funny and I will be funny. That is all. Thank you