Since it's conception, crucible has given a negative outlook to the majority community of destiny and destiny's core content. The community brings nothing but toxic remarks and an unnecessary amount of elitism against all other players of the community. Crucible has plagued the main majority community of destiny and has never once been an actual good playlist activity, being more of a chore for pinnacle than an activity that is fun to play. And even then, most don't complete said chore due to the bland and stale gameplay, paired with horrible matchmaking, no skill based (like every other competent competitive pvp game on the market), and a horrible meta used by the worst of people. with all of these combined together, it creates an experience that is no fun to play, and offers little to no rewards for the game. In this post I will give a few ideas on how to improve crucible so that it is at least bearable to the actual main community of destiny, and not a cater fest to it's toxic try hard community, that represent less than 15% of the actual player base.
First idea: enable skill based matchmaking paired with regional servers, and a proper reward system. Bungie, every competitive PvP game on the market has these three things that massively improve it's competitive gameplay, crucible should be no different. Skill based matchmaking would be an amazing overall addition to it for it's ability to keep all the sweat lords whom only play that game mode all day every day, from those just trying to have a good time and get a couple pinnacles, when done properly by pairing it with regional servers, you get properly balanced lobbies with no connection problems. Along with this, offer better rewards for being higher skilled in these activities, and by better I don't mean the same bland weapon everyone gets with a better role, I mean exclusive weapons and armor that are significantly better so that there is a reason to be higher skilled.
Second Idea: For the love of God Bungie expand the meta. Nobody likes loading into lobbies and games with the same fat try hard that never sees daylight running generic streamer build #41056 that pairs a 140 hand cannon with a generic Shotgun/fusion/sniper combo. There are so many good weapons; Trace rifles, auto rifles, A plethora of Scout Rifles and SMGs not used because they can't counter the same streamer build that some hot shot made on twitch so everyone must copy. 180s come to mind the biggest for me because their concept and gameplay is amazing but they just can't do anything against 140s and 120s or shotguns, they desperately need either a damage buff or a fire rate buff to be able to counter these generic try hards.
Third Idea: Literally just improve the loot pool. I'm going to be 100% honest with you Bungie. the biggest let down to playing crucible is that nothing good drops from it, and it's only ever the same two weapons. If you're going to do something like that, at least make them show stopping or something and not just generic 140 hand cannon #367.
In conclusion, the answers are here bungie, the way to improve crucible so it isn't an insufferable let down of a playlist to your main community of gameplay and your core game aspect is here.
Edited by hate n payne: 5/10/2022 5:59:53 PMWe need larger maps. We need map redesigns. We need more stricter lobby balancing ie teams against teams. We need stricter matchmaking ie Align each team with same amount of experience via KDA, KD and ELO. We need modes into playlists for a bigger audience versus a split one. Players should be allowed to vote on maps and modes collectively to help reduce players from leaving matches mid game. Allow a mode from each playlist to rotate daily versus having a bunch of them as playlists themselves. Bring back Combined Arms with Mayhem, Team Scorched, Momentum Control and Zone Control being rotated daily. Give Comp the competitive experience by improving rank and rewards importance.
I like crucible
Crucible is fine but matchmaking sucks
I'm tired of paying for the hell trials is, so I just stopped playing it after season of the lost
Not to mention the amount of cheating.
Welcome to pvp, your complaint comes with a complementary trash can to put it in. We love our streamers. -bungie
Or you could change, I WAS a pvp main since Forsaken in 2018. Loved it for years. Now i, just as most others, have realized that this games pvp portion is ultimately abandoned. It will never shine again. They have given up and that shows. No new maps in almost 4 years, 11 maps taken away, a few reissued maps recently of the ones they took from us and ONE new map on the horizon. If that doesn't already speak for itself, the sandbox should. The worst sandbox the games franchise has ever seen, abysmal matchmaking forever now and horrible player behavior with bm and using the maximum possible cheese. This games pvp is dead. I've sadly accepted it. The reason for this lack of attention to their formerly second pillar activity of the game is most likely the fact that they currently develop a new "pvp game". Bungie has always gone that greed route. Making people hungry for something new by abandoning the current stuff. Every pvp player will eat that new game up instantly and buy it. If D2's pvp would be great, noone would feel the need to buy it when it releases. Scummy business strats, the usual Bungie.
To the first point destiny will probably never be a truly be a competitive game due to the randomness involved in the weapons and armor. Though I do agree we are in need of better servers, skill based matchmaking is already in the elimination and survival playlists, yet matches will still end in teams getting completely destroyed due to the poor lobby balancing. Everytime Bungie has tried sbmm it was ended in the playerbase remaining unhappy and the meta becoming even more prevalent since now players will "need" the loadout advantage even more to win. The introduction of sbmm has always made matches incredibly bland in terms of loadout (weapons, exotic armor, and subclass) and from my experiences and observations over the years, cause faster pvp burnout. The main issue for me and friends is the awful lobby balancing and spawns. I do not know about you but I probably should not be spawning within 10 feet of 4 enemy players and should not have all the 0.8s on one team and the 2.0s on the other. On a side note, I still don't get we can't have a balanced matchmaking system like we had in way back in halo days, or even the ability to choose which matchmaking system we want. That alone would be a remarkable change but I am not a dev so I would not understand if it is even possible/practical at this point. When it comes to unique weapons and armor for better players, Bungie has tried that in the past and it actually caused more problems. When better players get access to unique and powerful loot, the average and below average players have an even smaller chance of competing against them. In my opinion the better option would be to have weapon and armor ornaments, shaders, ships, sparrows, etc. for those better players so they can still show off their loot while not getting an advantage in the playlist they are already good at. To the second point, most weapon types in the game are extremely viable, you just have to play to their strengths. Yes not every weapon type is good, looking at you 180 hand cannons and 140 shotguns, but for the most part the meta is in a great spot (especially when considering the future changes coming next season). I try to use a variety of primary and special weapons while I play to keep the game fresh and honestly I haven't really had issues with either primary or special weapons. Hand cannons are and will always be extremely popular due their great peak shot potential, good engagement range, small weapon model, high accuracy, and so on. However with all those benefits comes a major downside, the fastest killing hand cannons require perfect accuracy for only a 0.87 second time to kill and the other two take an entire second for their optimal ttk. The 140 rpm hand cannon ttk is worse than all auto rifles, 3 pulse rifle archetypes, 1 scout rifle archetype, all sidearms, and all smgs. Literally every other primary weapon type in the game except bows has at least one archetype that can kill an opponent faster than the best hand cannon archetype. And the 120 rpm and 180 rpm hand cannons are tied with 180 rpm scouts for the slowest primary ttks in the game (not counting bows). I'm seeing a good variety of weapon types everyday I play pvp now, even when I played trials last Sunday and Monday. To say that the typical hand cannon with *insert special weapon here* build can't be counted by the plethora of other weapons in the game is rather foolish. Smgs are rather good at taking down hand cannons if used at there proper ranges, and the same goes for pulses, scouts, and sidearms. Autos are a little harder to beat hand cannons with unless the hand cannon is not really near cover but autos are great at keeping consistent damage in and constant flinch. There is a reason the top 3 primary weapons based off of usage in both casual and competitive modes do not include a hand cannon. And to the third idea I completely agree. The loot pool needs more additions that aren't just standard below average to average weapons that have insanely large perk pools.
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You have 12 hours in PvP and a .46kd. Gtfo
Your mother needs to change
[quote]paired with horrible matchmaking, no skill based (like every other competent competitive pvp game on the market)[/quote]Sbmm is absolute 🐕🦺💩 and is not used at all by most shooters [quote]In this post I will give a few ideas on how to improve crucible so that it is at least bearable to the actual main community of destiny, and not a cater fest to it's toxic try hard community, that represent less than 15% of the actual player base.[/quote]No in this post you will ask for changes to cater to the bottom 10% of the playerbase at the expense of the rest. [quote]First idea: enable skill based matchmaking paired with regional servers, and a proper reward system. Bungie, every competitive PvP game on the market has these three things that massively improve it's competitive gameplay, crucible should be no different. Skill based matchmaking would be an amazing overall addition to it for it's ability to keep all the sweat lords whom only play that game mode all day every day, from those just trying to have a good time and get a couple pinnacles, when done properly by pairing it with regional servers, you get properly balanced lobbies with no connection problems.[/quote]Absolutely, positively NOT. Sbmm is a -blam!- show and killed the game both times it was attempted, ineptitude does not entitle you to a segregated pvp experience, your incompetence will not be pandered to [quote]Along with this, offer better rewards for being higher skilled in these activities, and by better I don't mean the same bland weapon everyone gets with a better role, I mean exclusive weapons and armor that are significantly better so that there is a reason to be higher skilled.[/quote]They already tried this in Forsaken and the crying from weaker players who couldn't earn them was unreal to the point that bungie had to hand then out, sunset them and let them be purchased from the kiosk. [quote]In conclusion, the answers are here bungie, the way to improve crucible so it isn't an insufferable let down of a playlist to your main community of gameplay and your core game aspect is here.[/quote] The only problem with pvp is lobby balancing and lackluster rewards
SBMM would not fully solve the main problem with matchmaking which is lobby balancing. The games would certainly be closer, but it would still put the best player and bottom 5 players together against the middle 6 and many games would still be a mercy. Idk if you're on PC or console, but HC's are not the meta on console anymore. Now it's all pulses, fusions and outlier weapons like LeMon and Lorentz. Even in Trials I barely see HC's now. Crucible used to have good rewards (Recluse, Mtn Top, Not Forgotten) which resulted in many players complaining about having to play Crucible to obtain them. The same would happen if new good weapons were added.
lol hell no, tight skill based match making in regular crucible is a terrible idea, those are meant to be social game modes where people can relax and try new things out and have fun, not sweat. Skill based should only be done in the comp playlist. There needs to be protections so that the bottom 15% never faces the top 15% but besides that everyone else should have a chance to match each other. With Skill based matchmaking there is no incentive to improve at the game.
Edited by AbsolutZeroGI: 5/10/2022 11:56:51 PM[quote]Since it's conception, crucible has given a negative outlook to the majority community of destiny and destiny's core content. The community brings nothing but toxic remarks and an unnecessary amount of elitism against all other players of the community. Crucible has plagued the main majority community of destiny and has never once been an actual good playlist activity, being more of a chore for pinnacle than an activity that is fun to play. And even then, most don't complete said chore due to the bland and stale gameplay, paired with horrible matchmaking, no skill based (like every other competent competitive pvp game on the market), and a horrible meta used by the worst of people. with all of these combined together, it creates an experience that is no fun to play, and offers little to no rewards for the game. In this post I will give a few ideas on how to improve crucible so that it is at least bearable to the actual main community of destiny, and not a cater fest to it's toxic try hard community, that represent less than 15% of the actual player base. First idea: enable skill based matchmaking paired with regional servers, and a proper reward system. Bungie, every competitive PvP game on the market has these three things that massively improve it's competitive gameplay, crucible should be no different. Skill based matchmaking would be an amazing overall addition to it for it's ability to keep all the sweat lords whom only play that game mode all day every day, from those just trying to have a good time and get a couple pinnacles, when done properly by pairing it with regional servers, you get properly balanced lobbies with no connection problems. Along with this, offer better rewards for being higher skilled in these activities, and by better I don't mean the same bland weapon everyone gets with a better role, I mean exclusive weapons and armor that are significantly better so that there is a reason to be higher skilled. Second Idea: For the love of God Bungie expand the meta. Nobody likes loading into lobbies and games with the same fat try hard that never sees daylight running generic streamer build #41056 that pairs a 140 hand cannon with a generic Shotgun/fusion/sniper combo. There are so many good weapons; Trace rifles, auto rifles, A plethora of Scout Rifles and SMGs not used because they can't counter the same streamer build that some hot shot made on twitch so everyone must copy. 180s come to mind the biggest for me because their concept and gameplay is amazing but they just can't do anything against 140s and 120s or shotguns, they desperately need either a damage buff or a fire rate buff to be able to counter these generic try hards. Third Idea: Literally just improve the loot pool. I'm going to be 100% honest with you Bungie. the biggest let down to playing crucible is that nothing good drops from it, and it's only ever the same two weapons. If you're going to do something like that, at least make them show stopping or something and not just generic 140 hand cannon #367. In conclusion, the answers are here bungie, the way to improve crucible so it isn't an insufferable let down of a playlist to your main community of gameplay and your core game aspect is here.[/quote] Bungo is caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, something has to change because new lights and normal, everyday players don't want to play crucible because the droves of sweats who exploit the lackluster matchmaking to give themselves an advantage they should not have. On the other, if they did implement a system, Bungo has already spent years coddling their tip 10% of players and if there's anything coddled children can't handle, it's actual competition. We've been playing a crucible where we don't keep score, but people try anyway. In a crucible where we actually kept score, a LOT of people's stats would change drastically and they've spent all this time farming with exploits and cheese to juice their fake stats. They don't want to give that up for a crucible where the point is to win and be actually good. Their KD would tank, their w/l percentage would tank, and their ELO would tank. There are a LOT of people in the top 10% who aren't that good, they just thrive in the explorable matchmaking Bungo currently gives us. Fake good. So what's a dev go do? Make crucible more friendly to a bunch of players who either already quit or have one foot out of the door anyway, or leave it how it is to keep bribing streamers and no lifers, who would all quit if they had to actually compete for once? I dunno the answer either. In either case, crucible is going to die anyway. Nobody wants to play it and it's not because of the lack of loot. It's because this community is a filled to the brim with a bunch of griefing, irritating sweats who think getting their 7th win on a flawless card against me makes them "good" (it does not. I've never been flawless. Dunno how Trials is endgame PvP if people are getting to the lighthouse after beating me and my 0 win card).
I echo a lot of what the OP is saying. I am not good at pvp, but want to get better. Playing people with 2 and 3 kd's is not going to make me better. I am so tired of being curbed stomped in every match. I have put what I consider a good amount of time into Crucible working on my aim and map sense. I have over 9,000 matches in quickplay alone. Skill based matchmaking is a must. I am sorry, but if you can't enjoy playing people of your own skill level, get gud (isn't that what the elites say? LOLz). New system that gives rewards and has a ladder that allows me to track my progress and actually see how I am improving or not. Destiny 2 is my first FPS and at 45 I am never going to be able to keep up with the top people so STOP forcing me to play with them! I am done being target practice for people that I will never be able to compete against.
So many bad takes here i wouldnt even know where to begin. Complaining about shotguns fusions and snipers being in the meta my brother what special weapon do you want in the meta? Did you play during the GL meta because i promise you that was not it. Bungie themselves have said they do not want a double primary meta and i know most players do not want that either. I dont even have to start with the sbmm argument because its so ridiculous bungie has tried both extremes of matchmaking with full sbmm there were players waiting 20+ minutes for a single match that would be a lagfest adding a region lock would make the matches more laggy but increase those wait times even more. Basically these posts of ideas that would "save" the crucible are so bad they actually make me cringe.
Weird. I experienced more elitism from the PvE crowd than the PvP crowd when I played. The reason I retired is because of the horrible direction Crucible was heading in. When things are corrected, I might return.
Lmao stopped after a few lines of the first point. Needs SBMM? we got it mate go play survival. The playlist with SBMM needs reward structure? Players like you that constantly complain about PvP and the rewards it gives literally had Bungie remove survivals rewards. Need I even read any more?
I knew that you haven’t spent that much time in PVP, when you asked for SBMM and blamed streamers for the meta. You should at least take time to improve, before you start giving bungie advice on how to run their game.
You will still cry even with a better matchmaking system.Why ,? Because it players vs players, expect to lose. A good player can easily manipulate his win kd to enter lower tier, start a new character, start a new steam account. A good pvp from another game can also enter. So please for the love of anything stop suggestions about a game that you can be beated by better player. Get good, play with lfg.
Well after trying to complete the guardians game gold medal triumph, all I can say is I know have a new found appreciation for Gambit. Ohhhh and Eva can take that gold medal and shove it up her prison purse for all I care now.
Crucible needs to go!
Edited by Lord Magris: 5/11/2022 7:43:57 AMI'll tell you that the current SBMM is not an answer either as I am currently putting up with the result of that. I really shouldn't be the only player on my team in Iron Banner matches going positive with a double-legendary primary loadout. And yet...
I find pve players to be far more toxic than pvp. Sbmm should not be in any game mode it is awful.
Bad matchmaking really kills the experience!