For bumps to be counted, they must contain the phrase "bump" or some variation of it. (Bumple, bunp, bUwUnp, etc)
If you do not use the phrase, your bump will not be counted.
I have made one exception to the rule for fridge as I believe it is reasonable to say that the cheese emojis were intended as bumps.
But that will be the only exception in this or in any future elections I am running.
The current verified candidates are
HoTh (superjohnjohn)
Cinque / Poly / Zbruh
As this election continues, I plan to release the last of my baking posts as OwOverlord.
That is all.
Well, excited to see all of Offtopic ruled by the undead. Even if Nil manages to lose (dang russians) I fully expect to see more undead roaming the streets.