Hello, it is I, your soon to be ex OwOverlord coming to tell you the choices you'll soon have for your new leader.
The 6 candidates with the bumps are
Bone empress/ Nil
SuperJohnJohn / HoTh
Cinque / zbruh / poly
Throughout the next 2 weeks, I will run 4 debate posts where candidates can talk about their policies and answer questions so the people can get a better idea of who they are.
Then, the voting will begin.
We will have 3 polls in round 1 to decide our 3 semifinalists
In round two, we will have 1 poll which will eliminate one candidate
And round 3 will decide our next leader
Good luck to all candidates besides the one I don't like.
How come Zbruh and Hoth get multiple names but I don't? No fair, I'm telling.