The new glaive we got is obviously in relation to Nezarec. One thing I couldn’t help but notice is that the haunted weapons seem to have an Egyptian theme to them, much like trials and Osiris. Concept art surrounding Nezarec has seemed to have inspiration. Form ancient Egyptian with Egyptian hieroglyphics being in the darkness Nezerac concept art related before d2 came out.
I have question about Nezarec and his importance within the world of destiny.
Does Nezarec have any relation to ancient Egypt
(and if so, does this mean the traveler/pyramids have visited us even before the collapse and is his sin in relation to the darkness or Rhulk?).
does he have any relations to Osiris, or is he Osiris?
(I’ve heard Nezarec is able to resurrect himself, but this could be wrong).
Are the haunted weapon’s appearance is inspired by Egypt like how trials gear is, and if the moon; the pyramid; and the leviathan are based of anything relating to Nezarec or inspired by any ancient Egyptian mythology?
"He is that which is end. That which covets sin. The final god of pain—the purest light, the darkest hour. And He shall rise again. When the guiding shine fades and all seems lost He will call to you. Fear not. All He offers is not as dark as it may seem. For Nezarec is no demon, but a fiend, arch and vile in ways unknown. He is a path and a way, one of many. And his sin—so wicked, so divine—is that he will never cower when dusk does fall, but stand vigilant as old stars die and new Light blinks its first upon this fêted eternity." [quote]Or is he Osiris...[/quote] Did you see where Osiris ends, and...his other began, he who never cowered at his end. Wrapped eternity in a's slowly going to be shown. Also, just because Osiris exists, doesn't mean his opposite self can't be in the same time.