Since the launch of Season of the Haunted, all of the raid specific mods for Last Wish have not been working inside the Last Wish raid, along with that, all of them received an ingame text under their descriptions stating that "This perk has been deprecated and no longer functions."
Is this something not intended? Some people have assumed so since it wasn't mentioned in any of the recent articles regarding the new season, would love to hear some type of clarification.
I made a post about this myself, [url=]a LOT of my original Y1/Y2 armors with mods[/url] have been destroyed as well, ruining a bunch of my casual play loadouts for strikes, gambit, and Quickplay Crucible. This piece in particular had 40 Recovery on it, when the mod was working. Even the PERKS don't work now and are nulled out with a Destiny Logo. I don't remember ever reading anything about them planning on doing this, and it's really soured my mood on top of other things.