My biggest thing I didn’t agree with when I first looked at the 3.0 version and what I noticed right away was 2 aspects got wasted, and making Phoenix dive a class ability was a little eh, icarus dash and heat rises go hand in hand together, separating the 2 and making them their each own aspect wasn’t great in my opinion, they should have kept those 2 together under 1 aspect (heat rises) and adding Phoenix dive to that would have been fantastic ( all mobility together) and thus leaving a slot available for a new aspect that would add more to the 3.0 version, the class ability again if they wanted to create 3rd new one cool but having just the 2 rifts (healing and empowering) is just fine with me
Edited by LØAN WØLF: 5/29/2022 2:42:38 AMYeah my favourite Titan Solar melee (bottom tree) is just gone. Poof. That was the one single melee that really gave the feeling of power in my Titan. Incinerating multiple enemies with one solid punch, that then heals you and creates a sun spot that boosts all cooldowns and increases your damage output… The other absolutely great Titan melee, the most indicative of a Titan, was the bottom tree arc melee that, with every successful kill, continuously reloads the charged melee, increases its lunge range and damage. They got rid of it because of all the flashing animations, due to some people that have sensory issues, only to release void 3.0 with ENDLESS amounts of flashy animations…wonder what those with sensory issues felt about all that…