The accuracy change is one of the worst changes ever made to Destiny 2.
The only reason people play PvP is for the unique gunplay and movement.
The accuracy changes has destroyed a key aspect of what makes the game stand out.
***For the small brains that keep commenting “Probably a Stompee Hunter”. No, [b]I main Warlock[/b] now and started doing so around Season 12.
Did testing while recording and put in Adobe Premiere and this change is making shots directly on the head either count as a body shot or straight up not register.
It has added a RNG to the game that is unnecessary.
Warlock main here. Heat Rises is a skill meant to improve in-air accuracy for the class. It has a lot of drawbacks (with consuming a grenade being one of them) because shooting in the air is so strong in this game. However, it does essentially the opposite of stompees and buffs in-air accuracy by 70 (might be incorrect on that number but I know it’s substantial). If you want to shoot in the air with no deviation, you might want to use this. Also, guns themselves have varying in-air accuracy values. You can try using weapons that have higher values. Keep in mind though that a lot of the super popular stuff received a low value to try to break up the crucible meta. You may need to use something a bit more obscure.