Hello people of offtopic, I am coming to you all live as Acro the teenager for the last time with a fresh new debate post for my little contestants.
More questions
1: How do you feel about drama
2: What is your favorite cookie
3: if you woke up as the only person in the world what would you do
4: what is the largest animal you could defeat in a fight to the death
5: if you were attacked by an infinite amount of 5 year Olds, how many could you vanquish before you finally fall
6: what is your moms credit card number and expiration date and what are those wacky 3 numbers on the back?
7: how long is it acceptable to cry after someone says they don't like you.
8: what is your favorite type of spider
9: how much dirt could you eat before you pass out
10: what is your favorite color
11: if you could choose one candidate other than yourself to win, who do you choose?
12: which is better, morning or night?
13: on a scale from 9 to 10 how cool am I?
14: 19?
15: explain the answer above
16: would you rather more serious questions for any future debates? Or more joke questions?
Good luck to all candidates. Especially the 2 that I like most. ;)
[quote]Hello people of offtopic, I am coming to you all live as Acro the teenager for the last time with a fresh new debate post for my little contestants. More questions 1: How do you feel about drama Overrated 2: What is your favorite cookie Chocolate Chip from subway 3: if you woke up as the only person in the world what would you do Panic and be sad everyone is presumed dead 4: what is the largest animal you could defeat in a fight to the death A big dog 5: if you were attacked by an infinite amount of 5 year Olds, how many could you vanquish before you finally fall Depends if I had caffeine or not. Depends how they attack but for simplicity I’ll say 1000 or more 6: what is your moms credit card number and expiration date and what are those wacky 3 numbers on the back? 732 evergreen terrace 7: how long is it acceptable to cry after someone says they don't like you. I won’t really cry unless it’s a really good friend or parents. A day or two. If it’s just a random dude I won’t cry. I’d make fun of his haircut though 8: what is your favorite type of spider Small and easy to kill 9: how much dirt could you eat before you pass out 1 liter 10: what is your favorite color Purple 11: if you could choose one candidate other than yourself to win, who do you choose? You? I don’t know what this is 12: which is better, morning or night? Cloudy morning 13: on a scale from 9 to 10 how cool am I? As good as morbius (15) 14: 19? Instructions unclear cat is on the roof 15: explain the answer above Malfunctions 16: would you rather more serious questions for any future debates? Or more joke questions? Both Good luck to all candidates. Especially the 2 that I like most. ;)[/quote] Cool debate. I’m Not involved though. You could vote me if you want. ••2••3••12••63••