Just like in life, don't pay for it.
Long as you have a mic, keyboard or smoke signals we can an will get you through a Dungeon .
Just ask , please don't give someone a credit card or something, if this stops even one person from paying for a dungeon or something I'll be happy.
Don't lick rocks.
P.S (I just do dungeons for fun, not here to sweat through them)
P.S.S I'll do my best but I'm only one person , please be kind an honestly make LFG, own the session an be honest that you've never done the dungeons an folks usually will teach .
I had to change my profile picture, it was Mara Sov but I literally had a few *are you a girl* messages, no I'm not I'm a dude an I identify as such l.
Also if I don't reply immediately or hit ya today , I apologize, busy day .
Need with running the Grasp of Avarice Dungeon. Can two people to help, so I can get the Gjallarhorn. Any takers?