They always list a set time for when reset will happen, but without fail every week it happens at a random time +/- 30ish minutes. Today I was wrapping up my iron banner, got my cap and went to reset with Saladin and bam! servers down, 15 minutes early. A lot of people are trying to finish out some weekly stuff and if Bungie can't be consistent it cuts people off from weekly rewards, progress, pinnacles....Now I have to wait til next banner just to go reset and be done with it all. How hard is it to stick to a time. If you post that it will be at 10 AM PST, then do it AT 10 AM PST. Not 9 AM PST. Not 9:30 AM PST. Not 9:59 AM PST. Follow though with what you say you're going to do. Bungie, your word lacks value.
daily reset is at 10am PDT, maintenances always has the warning that in a few min the servers are about to go down to do maintenances they always announce it before hand, if you didn't turn something in that's your own fault not bungies.