Joined late Nov. 2017 and beat the original campaign the night before the last update. Ranked Legend before Curse of Osiris dropped. I unlocked dual exotics through the quest(soloing Leviathan before Curse of Osiris). Played through Warmind, but had housing conflicts and was unable to reclaim my account on Bungie.
Currently re-joined on June 1st and am up to "The Witch Queen: The Ritual," @1512 Power Level. I'm an avid gamer seeking a Clan who can catch me up to speed, while I help support other players raising Power beside me.
Arakmaha Hunter! Now that Destiny 2 is cross play across all platforms, we are recruiting for XB, PSN and PC! A clan for veteran players, new comers, casuals and try hards. No drama, 18+ and be willing to teach raids etc without YouTube! We would like to welcome members for all time zones/regions. Discord will be required to communicate and be engaged in the clan.