Any 'casual hardcore' dads looking to grind all things Destiny with Unknown Redux??? (clan recruitment)
If you're a dad and are looking for an active clan and an active Discord, check out Unknown Redux. We were the number #1 clan in Destiny Clan Warfare Iron Banner, and with the return of D2clanwars we are looking for people who enjoy running and gunning in banner! We are not sweats by any means, most of us work 8+hrs. then get in a group and have fun, or just simply heckle eachother! There's always someone playing something! Most of our 250+ guys (a three-clan alliance) are in eastern and central US and Canada, but we also have a few players in the UK and Australia. If you're ready to gear up for PvP, Raids, Gambit, Quests, and Nightfalls, reply here or DM me, Jnapaman#8459 We are looking for players who play Destiny 2 a few times each week, will be active in our Discord community, and are committed to grind to max power level to participate in endgame activities, including Iron Banner. We current have some openings so we have room for some more greatest DADS/guardians in the galaxy!
To be clear, we're looking for...
• Dads (our roots are from Dads of Destiny)
• Weekly play with clan (mic required)
• Weekly Discord chat
• Grind to max power level & own latest DLC
bump this $hit!