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Adult, series x, sense of humour, mic - bored of playing solo
[b]Keepers of The IX[/b] {Recruitment} End Game Content Clan : PvE + PvP [quote]"I have a clear purpose. I cannot explain it. Forgive me." — Xûr. Xûr, Agent of the Nine [/quote] We are the Keepers of The IX : a developing clan of PvPness & PvE Deities alike. We are still only small yet we pack a whole lot of titan powered punch, we are rising hot like the phoenix dive all the while looking -blam!- like our pole dancing arc hunters. [url=http://www.bungie.net]https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4840371[/url] Looking to fill the roster with players available to chuck together a team, ready for dungeons, raids, survival and even gambitoe : Enjoy running the weekly Raids : Flawless Trials : Dungeon Runs : Seal Collectors : Lore nerds : Will even stack sixies in IB... : and help with other content - Cross platforms; PsN, Xbox, M&K - Cross time zones - Cross genders (Inclusive of male, female & other) - Discord