The max of 4 shown active buffs/debuffs on the bottom left screen is just not sufficient anymore. Especially with the 3.0 subclasses the builds most of the people are using contain a weapon buff, one or more elemental well buffs, high energy fire and buffs from the aspects/fragments.... so even solo without doing anything but killing an add, it is not possible to see everthing that is active, let alone additional buffs/debuffs from team mates or mechanic-related buffs/cooldowns/etc inside certain activities.
It is very unsatisfying, if u do not know if a buff is just not up or if it is up, but not showing due to overflow of the screen. And when it comes to mechanics, it is even worse, when u do not know the status.
So please extend this section on the bottom left to show all active stuff! (maybe add a possibility to limit it in the gameplay options, in case some people do not want to have their screen crowded for some reason)
Thanks a lot, that would be a massive improvement imho.
Or stop resetting buffs for joining allies, purposeful wipes and etc. I picked up 8 orbs for Feast of Light not to just lose it cause randy is 5 seconds ahead of me so I can't make the 4 second timer.
Edited by Olórin: 6/18/2022 10:46:24 AMI thought it would be useful to have the negative debuffs on the right side of the screen and the positive buffs in the original side (left). So for example, 'Well of Radiance' will be on the left obviously but the VoG boss debuff 'imminent Detain' will persist on the right side. Keep the same colour coordination though, positive buffs (White) and negative debuffs (Red).
I recently saw a take on consolidating buffs to the corner using their pictures and timers/bars. I think it should be an option - some can keep the current hud, others can have more details on their hud.
In all my years reading through posts, this has got to be the single most useful change to the game suggested. I used to think my builds were bugged; turns out, just not displayed. 110% support this.
Don't need to see 'void invisibility' when I'm invisible.
I believe they talked about not wanting to change it before because of screen clutter, or something to do with the limitations of the UI. To all those saying screen clutter, I get it, first of all should definitely be an option, but secondly, there's tons of games that do it without managing to gunk up the screen. Personally, something I think would be somewhat of a bandaid/compromise would be showing weapon buffs (IE: Rampage, Worms Hunger, kill clip) on the guns icon area, perhaps even as just the trait icons, while having class/exotic armor based buffs (devour, radiant) in the place all buffs are located now.
[quote]Please show all active buffs on screen instead of only 4!![/quote] So... you don't want any space left on the screen to actually be able to see the gameplay, is that it?
That, and have the objective ones take priority. Sometimes during a raid or dungeon I cannot see a needed mechanic buff/debuff due to it now showing up versus the other modifiers on me
At least show the important buffs. Like worms hunger x20. Which is always burried underneath all other buffs.
Everything needs to be colour coded and have its own unique symbol and when it is active it can show across the hud along the super bar. Very simple, red to show buff, blue to show debuff, green to show healing etc.
Could have options in the HUD settings to set priority for different buffs / debuffs based on player preference
I never realized how much this bothered me until I started using parasite this season. All these buffs on my screen and I can’t see how hungry/full my worm is
Wouldn't we end up with a somewhat stupid amount of buffs and debuffs on screen? Depending on the activity.
Yeah why can't we just be a people for once!
If this game allowed Addons it would fix a lot of the problems
Not knowing how well fed the worm is in parasite is a little annoying
My only issue with this pertains to debuffs in relative content. For example, not being able to see if you have Imminent Detain at Atheon could wipe a whole team if you can't see all the debuffs due to this issue and the Relic holder doesn't see you in time to warn you.
Edited by Kouz_MC: 6/18/2022 6:51:30 AMBump. Also fix bugs: - players not being teleported outside of the race/circle in sever and not being able to use the portal, hence not being able to open the chest, thus having to restart the mission many times. - immune cabals in containment tiers. When too many cabals become immune, the public event fails as it can’t progress anymore. - when in character menus, description boxes not disappearing, leading to a superposition of boxes hiding background information/view. - too many texture issues. Whether it’s the player’s own character+weapon, players around, or both, it’s horrible and hard to play. It turns into a nightmare in pvp. - item descriptions not showing in vault, postmaster, or character menus. - gameplay bugs such as some adds being killed with melees not returning player melee when it should, forcing them to burn other abilities to recover such melee ability, or things like initial jump burning two jumps, and many more gameplay issues. - molten overloads not working consistently: solar grenades not always triggering stagger. - sidearm AB still not being addressed, overload SMG/auto still being a thing when it procs far too late, etc. - optional matchmaking still not being a thing for many activities where it is a must: derelict for instance has small areas with objectives that become a nightmare to complete when too many players fight over a red bar kill. - in-game loadout function still not being a thing. DIM is not Bungie. DIM should also work when players are not in combat. - knight boss in wellspring shooting boomers to players when it shouldn’t. - unstoppable champions not being staggered because the stagger is dealt too early after the spawn, making the champion too often immune to subsequent staggers. - and many many many more issues
- "If there was one thing I'd like information on, its if there is any plan on updating the buff/debuff UI. Its frustrating questioning what buffs I have. Having 2 standards + nightmare timer takes 3 of the 4 lines alone. Is there anything in the works?" [b]DMG REPLIES [/b] "While I can't say anything in the works, can acknowledge this as a known feedback item that the team is aware of. Will be sure to add feedback from you (and everyone who's replied to the thread) to the list."
Edited by Mirage7853: 6/17/2022 8:14:18 PMOn atheon at times it won’t show imminent detain. The buffs will push it off sometimes. Some buffs are apparently higher priority. It’s pretty frustrating.
Man half the time idk if frenzy is even active because every buff in the game is competing with every de-buff to see which one gets first place.
Or at least prioritize them. E.g. in vog last night, we could not see who was detained bc of Titan bubble, barricade, time’s vengeance, and well of radiance buffs. Led to a few laughs.