6 weeks into the new season and the RNG for the fusion and machine gun red borders from Duality is just poor. Only got 1 fusion and 3 machine guns and worst of all they were from WEEK 1!!!
This needs to change, possibly make the number of red borders down to 3 (should be just 1 IMO as they won't change the rng). Or, make it more common to get than the other dungeon weapons because if those were craftable I would've already gotten the pulse, grenade launcher and sub machine gun right now and NO I AM NOT JOKING WHEN I SAY THIS THE RNG IS TERRIBLE.
Bungie, please listen to some of the people bringing this matter up out of all the other spammers saying Trials bad, poor connection, etc. as this needs to change otherwise the dungeon will get boring and make it unplayable for some players.
P.S I know some people in the community will say "why not just farm the specific encounters then?" my response: 6 Weeks and nothing, even from farming at least 5 times a day those separate encounters (adds up to 90 attempts to get red borders of those weapons and AGAIN ONLY 1 FUSION AND 3 MACHINE GUN BORDERS IN THAT TIME SPAN)
Having the same problem done almost 90 runs farming and the red border weapon for fusion and MG drop rates are so low. I hope they fix this.