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7/1/2022 11:43:44 PM

Behemoth Charged Melee Bind - Inquiry

Hi Bungie, I have noticed that on my stasis titan my charged melee bind works like the auto melee bind. If I am too close to my opponent I simply lunge at them, if I am too far I get the powered melee lung. I was wondering if this is intentional, and if so why that might be the case. My aspects are tectonic harvest and Diamond lance if that changes anything. My charged melee bind seems to work fine with the rest of the subclasses/classes. Only Behemoth seems to have the issue, that I know of(I haven't test all melees, just a couple). If anyone else has any insight on to what I might be doing wrong please let me know. Best Regards, Doctavius S.G.A: With Behemoth, and a charged melee, use uncharged melee to run through crystals :>

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