35 clears and no heart shadow. I juat dont understand. I'm helping lights that are new through Master Duality and they have it already. I dont get it. Would it be so hard to put like a 25 clear cap that would give such weapons to you. It makes people quit. I promise I love Duality and would for sure keep playing until I have an S of every legendary. I havent heard of anyone else with 30 master clears who dont have it. *****Edit****** Thanks for the responses and advice. Here's hoping for Tuesday*****************
[quote]35 clears and no heart shadow. I juat dont understand. I'm helping lights that are new through Master Duality and they have it already. I dont get it. Would it be so hard to put like a 25 clear cap that would give such weapons to you. It makes people quit. I promise I love Duality and would for sure keep playing until I have an S of every legendary. I havent heard of anyone else with 30 master clears who dont have it.[/quote] I dont see how you mentioning your master clears really matters, atleast you can up the drop rate lmao. People really this ungrateful and just want a 100% drop rate or even a high 50%