Can you PLEASE add a definition to the flavortext that you have to do it in ONE GO! Got to the Caiatl encounter and decided to go get something to eat, got the checkpoint and left for an hour. Came back and beat Caiatl after several tries. Except, no triumph. I thought to myself: What gives? Went to the forums to look if other people had the same problem and lo and behold... You. Have. To. Do. It. In. One. Go. WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO KNOW BEFOREHAND! There is no mention that you can't pause your progress even for a brief time. This is something that should be mentioned at the start before you decide to spent most of your day to chase a triumph. I feel utterly robbed of my accomplisment and would like some more transparency on Bungies part.
Edit: Finished the dungeon again and got my triumph (one death away from flawless but hey, that was never my goal). My point still stands, these kinds of things should be addressed in the triumph itself, not from forums or other players, because if there are specific requierenents, they should be made clear within the game itself. Especially for New Lights and people who don't do these kinds of endeavors. Signing off.
I did similar. Beat the first cp boss, took a break, came back the next day and decided to finish everything else. Took me 3 hours and then only to find out you can't take a break, u must do it the bungie way. You must earn this the way they want you to but the triumph says clearly "complete all encounters in the duality dungeon solo". Nothing there indicates a single session without orbiting or taking a break (sorry, I'm a human I have to eat, sleep and go to a job). Even if people say "hurr durr it's been this way since forever". Then why not clarify it for those that haven't been here forever?