I'm so sick and tired of getting bots for teammates and the game expecting me to carry them. Balance the lobbies properly and stop giving me bots for teammates and tryhards for enemies. Surely your MM can't be this dead that it's impossible to do. Make the bots fight other bots and tryhards fight tryhards.
Edited by livin like larry: 7/15/2022 3:43:09 PMBungie matchmaking pov: Says it’s cbmm but every game there is at least 1 mf who has the new latency subclass teleporting and tanking damage Forces 1 good player to carry 5 dregs against 6 average to above average players Matches you with people across the globe Puts you on the same map 3 times or more in a row You load in to a match in progress and get supered over and over again