I haven’t gone flawless this season, frankly because I don’t really desire to this season. But my armor is still glowing?
Anyone got any ideas why?
From my experience it happens when you go flawless on more than one character in a week. The glow will last until you go flawless on that character again, then it will disappear after a week
It should glow without going flawless such a cool aspect of the armor locked behind such a tedious game mode
Happened to me a couple weeks ago. And I’ve only been flawless once, the first week they did Feeelance Trials.
[quote]I haven’t gone flawless this season, frankly because I don’t really desire to this season. But my armor is still glowing? Anyone got any ideas why?[/quote] It’s a bug that’s been around since forever. I forget how you get it to happen. Going flawless again often fixes it.