I am a player who can play only about 2-3 hours a day after work and I did not get the chance to do the legendary shard dope and I am always at less then 100 shards and when I do get enough to get a engram focused I'm back to nothing and it takes all my time to get just enough shards to focus another engram it's reticular that doesn't even included upgrade manuals and crafting guns there needs to be a better way to grind for them
Edited by Kalyx triaD: 7/17/2022 10:00:58 PMThis "I don't have time to play" thing is so weird. Working a full time job I've cleared a battle pass in a month and a half. You guys play very inefficiently.
I feel your pain, I'm down to 39,000 after master working a piece of armor to get rid of some ascendant shards because I had 20 in my postmaster.
Edited by BOSSNONO254: 7/17/2022 10:55:02 PMI’m telling you Biden has increased items that costs legendary shards drastically as well. I have to choose between having gas or food, and now having enough shards for buying items or upgrading items. Man inflation doesn’t play. *Edited[Joke joke, not a serious comment…]
Don't focus everything then .....
Good thing Solstice starts next week. You'll be swimming in everything with 2-3 hours a day in the EAZ.
"only play 2-3 hours per day". Is this a joke? That's an enormous amount of time to dedicate to a game.
Agreed. It’d be interesting if the prices weren’t fixed, but rather were a percentage of your shards inventory. That’d bring the impact of these prices into focus for no-lifers with endless shards.
Next to nothing even costs legendary shards not sure how you're running out. If you're spending 100's of them on Iron Banner engrams, just don't. Iron Banner gear is next to the worst gear in the game. There are so many weapons that are just outright better than Iron Banner gear with zero cost. Do Raids, do Dungeons. None of what you need will cost you anything at all. You can get the best boss damage weapon in the game from a Dungeon for free. No spending shards at all. Be smart about how you spend your stuff. Really think about whether or not you're going to use the item in question because chances are the thing you're spending 100's of shards on is just garbage anyways.
On average I get 500-600 legendary shards per week, even the weeks like this week where I barely got to play I still have gotten 250 legendary shards since reset in 6 or 7 hours play time.
Edited by BUSTERxCHERRY: 7/18/2022 2:35:40 AMfarm the nightfall at hero difficulty or form a team for 3rd difficulty. 8-10 min run depending on nightfall. I'm in the same boat. I missed out on that shard farm too. you get more rep for vanguard rank. Potentially exotics, nightfall weapon, vanguard weapon, and legendary weapon/armor. Ghost mod for additional legendary drops in vanguard strike I work full-time, 3 kids and all that jazz. I know the feeling I was racking in shards when it's double nightfall drops.
Live has never been better. - old
One thing that helps is to keep a ghost that rewards extra legendary drops from playlist activities. They will most likely be crap.... I mean 4 shards. -
go spend some time on the Cosomdrome. It drops legendarys for anything you do and at the top of the map there are literally 3 chests spawned all the time. You can easily farm leg's there. I know it isn't much fun but it will get you what you need.
My suggestion, stop spending them. I see this with EVERY new or low time player, yall want to buy everything with the shards you DO have. Whereas many of us with 20k shards don't spend ANY. I have a rule, if you have less than 1000 shards, don't spend them. As long as you hit that threshold, you'll never run dry again-without doing it intentionally. Same as a bank account. If you have less than 1000 dollars in your account, don't buy -blam!- you don't need. But if you do have that, you're safe and shouldn't fall back down.
The problem is this is basically Bungie's asinine approach to trying to make "gold sinks" in the game. The only thing is, they messed up. Players are being able to hoard Legendary shards for just about literally anything they do in the game. Players who have played alot will have had made alot. Bungie doesn't like their players hoarding resources, so they make things expensive to serve as a sort way to force players to spend their hoarded resources. Where they messed up is that they don't give enough incentive to spend them to veterans. The players who HAVE a ton are most likely already satisfied with most of what they have and don't need to spend shards on anything. There is currently nothing in this game that is super worth spending shards on unless you're a newer player, in which case things are just too expensive. tl;dr Bungie is trying to sell rich veterans stuff that only newer players can really value.
I think you ran out of shards because you spent them
You keep spending your shards, that’s why you have so little.
Stop buying Starbucks lattes everyday…oh wait different post. My bad
Edited by BOSSNONO254: 7/17/2022 11:01:16 PMHonestly the best way right now to increase your legendary shard reserves is to dismantle unwanted gear that you may get as rank rewards and or end of activity rewards. This is honestly the most effective way to increase the amount of shards you have in your inventory. Not to mention if there are other ways to gain legendary shards as rewards, you can do those as well. A lot of times I like to farm valor ranks by playing rumble. So far the whole week I’ve had to reset my rank 3 times in which I now have 90+ engrams sitting with lord Shaxx from my days of just casually playing pvp and ranking up steadily. But if you’re not a PvP sweat, and do not like the grind it takes to keep collecting engrams, you can also play PvE playlist with certain vendors that award these engrams as well. As an added note, you can also decipher umbral engrams with whoever his name is and dismantle the unwanted gear that comes out of it. Understand this, as a consistent pattern that always occurs with me at least. For every 3 engrams you collect from a vendor you will get an enhancement cores. Sometimes it will be 2 sometimes it will be 0. But for me this pattern is the most consistent. So not only will you gain legendary shards from this method, but also a good amount of enhancement cores if you need them. *Edited[Irrelevant Below] Earlier in this posts I had commented about inflation and gas that was simply supposed to be taken as a joke. Now with the exception of the one guy who commented and understood the posts meaning. I would like to say to the other people that you are quite blind and foolish if you did not understand that the comment was a joke. It would be irresponsible, reckless, and foolish of me to be serious about a comment like that. I am not ignorant to the point where I would be serious about a comment like that. It was solely supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood. So for the ones who commented in true seriousness about how idiotic the comment was; I just want you to know you individuals are quite deterred of an open mind and is a joke and what is not. But thank you for taking the time to comment, because it shows just how insecure you guys really are😄….
Use what you have and have fun if you only play a little. Why do you expect to have top of the line things if you don’t play?
Bungie is not interested in gaining or retaining customers, it should be obvious by now to everyone. Would any of you recommend this entertainment product to a friend?
Edited by A_mo: 7/17/2022 3:41:10 PMNot sure what the solution is but the material economy is kind of like the power level thing. Its interesting how it works out because its something that truly has to work based on how everyone plays. The only thing they could really do to make people spend them is cap them under a level that a lot of people have passed and make it so people deplete them over time. But they have to know that wouldn't go down well. I just find stuff like this interesting because its one of the things that gets close to being an actual limitation that they can't just control however they want even though of course they can. Its fun to see how they handle stuff like this and power leveling. The only thing they could really do is something that would make people angry, including a lot of people that otherwise aren't involved in the daily drama, or make things cheaper. I'd personally be more likely to buy an emblem that said 10k LEGENDARY SHARDS on it than to spend them gambling.
I have more shards than I'll ever need, and no, I didn't farm them using a glitch. The amount of garbage legendary gear that drops should keep you afloat no matter what you're spending them on.
Agreed newer players can’t purchase focused endgrams at drifter Salidan or saint. Also dmt and hawkmoon should be craftable
I have to be honest here but don't focus engrams. Don't spend shards etc.. just pay the game and delete crap that you don't need. You'll soon be swimming in shards.
2-3 hours a day is more than I play and I have 23k shards lol
It’s honestly not been too bad for me. I’ve been hovering around the same amount since S15. By the time I have an Umbral to focus, I’ve gotten 10 shards worth of bad drops. Xur’s crazy expensive but he’s been like that for months. A pro tip is to not upgrade stuff you’re not going to use very often. Armor stick at 7 power and weapons don’t really need masterworks now unless you really need the stats for PvP. Avoiding upgrading a lot helps if you’re low on shards.