I am a player who can play only about 2-3 hours a day after work and I did not get the chance to do the legendary shard dope and I am always at less then 100 shards and when I do get enough to get a engram focused I'm back to nothing and it takes all my time to get just enough shards to focus another engram it's reticular that doesn't even included upgrade manuals and crafting guns there needs to be a better way to grind for them
Edited by BOSSNONO254: 7/17/2022 11:01:16 PMHonestly the best way right now to increase your legendary shard reserves is to dismantle unwanted gear that you may get as rank rewards and or end of activity rewards. This is honestly the most effective way to increase the amount of shards you have in your inventory. Not to mention if there are other ways to gain legendary shards as rewards, you can do those as well. A lot of times I like to farm valor ranks by playing rumble. So far the whole week I’ve had to reset my rank 3 times in which I now have 90+ engrams sitting with lord Shaxx from my days of just casually playing pvp and ranking up steadily. But if you’re not a PvP sweat, and do not like the grind it takes to keep collecting engrams, you can also play PvE playlist with certain vendors that award these engrams as well. As an added note, you can also decipher umbral engrams with whoever his name is and dismantle the unwanted gear that comes out of it. Understand this, as a consistent pattern that always occurs with me at least. For every 3 engrams you collect from a vendor you will get an enhancement cores. Sometimes it will be 2 sometimes it will be 0. But for me this pattern is the most consistent. So not only will you gain legendary shards from this method, but also a good amount of enhancement cores if you need them. *Edited[Irrelevant Below] Earlier in this posts I had commented about inflation and gas that was simply supposed to be taken as a joke. Now with the exception of the one guy who commented and understood the posts meaning. I would like to say to the other people that you are quite blind and foolish if you did not understand that the comment was a joke. It would be irresponsible, reckless, and foolish of me to be serious about a comment like that. I am not ignorant to the point where I would be serious about a comment like that. It was solely supposed to be a joke to lighten the mood. So for the ones who commented in true seriousness about how idiotic the comment was; I just want you to know you individuals are quite deterred of an open mind and is a joke and what is not. But thank you for taking the time to comment, because it shows just how insecure you guys really are😄….