First off, thanks for stopping in to check my post. Your time and consideration is appreciated.
Second, let me tell you a bit about our clan. We are Revenge Is Ours and we've been around (with this clan name) for 6 years. However, many of us are D1 veterans and have been together under prior clan names. We play all game content and love the game (many of us for nostalgic reasons). We've had our fair share of ups and downs with toxicity and douchbaggery and are trying to put our past behind us to rebuild this clan to its former glory.
We understand that life happens and many if us work or have school obligations that may limit when you can play. We don't hold that against you and don't want you to feel like this is a second job. There is absolutely no discrimination tolerated in this clan. We are chill, friendly, and helpful. We use the chat app band to organize gaming times/events but also to shoot the sh!t with each other. If all this sound good to you please consider joining us and message me with any questions.
Chill clan just looking for active players who just want to have fun with other players.