I like many things so far about the New Expansion and some other things.
BUT: This Season showed more and more the big problems that are in the game atm.
1. Performance
Such a thing is easier to detect in PvP first. We see since the last 2 or 3 seasons getting more performance issues the closer we get to this moment now. We have things happening like double or even triple damage. I mean 2 weeks ago I killed a friend in some private with only the first shot from LW. The game seems not to be fast enough sometimes to calculate the hits of a weapon correctly. You shoot clearly on an opponent's head and at first you see body damage and then with a very very short delay the opponent falls down and the killfeed shows: headshotkill. If you want some footage, no problem I could replicate that thing any time bc it happens so often and I am sure nearly everybody knows what I am talking about...
On the other hand we can see those issues with the game performance even in PvE now:
From enemies who get their healthbar without any reason back to gamecrashes because it can't handle the amount of enemies or sfx.
2. Laggs, Server Issues and Crossplay
We are now to a point where the connection of even Call Of Duty is better than the connection from Destiny 2 and here are some reasons for that:
At first is Destiny the only game I know, where crossplay between different platforms is working so bad. That has nothing to do with "Xbox/Playstation/PC player have mostly bad connection" or something like that, it's how crossplay itself works in Destiny. Actually to be fair, the main idea behind Crossplay in Destiny is very good especially for console-player because they can play console only without beeing forced to play with pc what's the main problem for many player in other crossplay-shooter. But with not even adressing, that there is a problem and ignoring the 1000+ posts in your forum this system gets more and more hate.
The next thing is your matchmaking. Jesus.. Why do I get matched with people from 4 different continents and 6+ countries sometimes? When the signal needs to cross the whole world it is nearly impossible that there is no lagg in those lobbies, even when everybody has great connection. Some people act like we have CBMM. I say: "Where? Are you playing really destiny 2?" even big content creator spoke already about that like Aztecross. But when it goes to Connection or something like that you guys seem to ignore as long as possible every criticism about that just to make sometimes statements like "Dedicated Servers will not change anything.".
The third and last thing about connection are the many many maaaaaaany times people getting kicked out for no reason. The "lost connection to the game world"-error is already a big meme in my clan and my whole friendlist.
3. To many "We know what you really want"
You guys starting to fall back to the old shemes where you act like things that nobody likes are very popular and awesome. Best example: Rift. You really call that mode an "popular mode from d1". When was that mode very popular? Here one Headline from Polygon back from 2015: "Destiny: The Taken King's new Rift mode is a shot in the arm for the Crucible". It was so popular, that it's hard to find articles etc. about that mode, even when I set the filter from 2015 to 2017. So why acting like it was "popular"?
But the biggest question around that whole thing for me is that: We didn't get a new map for around 2 1/2 years and then you give us an oversized map (while you could have made 2 smaller maps), that works only in rift (and even in this mode the works not very well). Why are you guys sometimes trying to go with your head trough the wall just to proof that you simply not know what we really want? Why acting like IB is now a big and awesome "event"?
4. To much experiments with trials instead of content
You made to many experiments since the trials revamp. The first 2 weeks after revamp worked well for many many player. Then nearly every week some changes came in, most of them where bad for everyone at the end. Example: Trials from 10/29/21. You made a MM that searched player with the same overall wins. Was a great idea, right? No it killed directly over 30% of the playerbase in one week. If someone wants to know how bad it was: read the reddit threads from that weekend.
After this absolute bad weekend we never reached an playercount that was higher than 415k people.
Freelance should help more player to go flawless right? No it isn't. Watch for yourself: in really every week since you implemented freelance less % of trials player go flawless compared to other (normal) weeks around the same time. Maybe it helps more solo people but for an high price. Everyone who play that teambased mode in a 3 or even 2 stack are getting worse experience and like I said in the end it hurts more people than it helps.
Even if I personally don't like the zone controll mode I have to admit it does what freelance should do: More % go flawless compared to normal other weeks at same time.
We need more gear especially whole weaponsets at one time to farm for. We need new maps, then people come and play trials. Every Season 1-2 New Weapons is not enough when the rest of the weaponset is old and overfarmed. Even new Perks on 2 years old weapons don't change that. Why there are no flawless/master armor (same for gm or hm raids)? etc. etc.
Why you give good player only 1 or 2 times in a season a real reason to help people (for title)? why not giving them reasons to help people EVERY weekend even if they already have their flawless this season? No you make flawlesspool that is used by many K/D farmer as an farm-fest bc those guys don't need the very old flawless gear. The first week this season proofed, that even without flawlesspool the amount of flawlessplayer isn't drastically falling down, so why give toxic K/D farmers playground? With those decisions you make the gap between high and low skilled player jsut bigger instead bringing them to the same table.
I know that was a big text but there are also many hours of research behind that. Sorry if my english isn't perfect, it's not my main language but I do my best to make it legible.
Have a nice Day.
This game is breaking. Pushed too far by the plurality that needs a constant influx of new.