Returning player, looking mainly for some people to raid with.
I’m on ps5 and don’t want to deal with discord till Sony gets it figured out.(don’t want to be on pc and ps5 at same time for chat)
I’m a chill, 31 yr old tech industry dad of two, lifetime gamer. Just looking for people to play with in the evenings(est) and drink some beers with.
I was a hardcore raider and Sherpa all through destiny 1 and the first two expansions in destiny 2.
I play to win but want to help the team achieve the goal. No raging or griefing from me, just help.
I’m LL 1515 so I have some gear to grind but looking for a group so I’ll be adjusted when I’m ready.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Adult Endgame D2/D1 Open Discord Community: Chill Parents and Friends of Destiny We are mature people, adults (21+) who are busy in regular lives but enjoy gaming and having fun while playing Destiny. Most of us played Destiny from D1. We do all activities and raid often. Be chill, mature and join in clan activities. Discord is required. #Game, raid and have fun Our Discord server is a place where older chill gamers can hang out and find like-minded people to play with, chat, and have fun. Any respectful adults (21+) are welcome in our Discord server. We are a clan and community with a large and active clan base. CPoD 1 - CPoD 2 -