What's the implications of bringing all GM Nightfall specific weapons for us to farm in the the last week of the season? Could it be done without much trouble for the dev team?
At least it's a manner of countermeasure FOMO I guess.
And yes I couldn't manage to farm Adept Horror Least that week and now I feel miserable :/
PS: The idea is this to work like farming for unique loot, so we would target a specific Nightfall to farm a weapon like if I want Horror Least I'll farm The Corrupted for example.
I wish they would just let us choice which nightfall we wanted run the last week and farm it, Like it use to be. Then depending on the nightfall we pick it would drop the loot tide to that strike.
Nah, I'd rather have a targetable farm. Bungie could have a community poll a week prior to pick between a pool of say, 3 possible NF weapons that can drop. If we got all weapons at once. The pool would be to large and impossible to get the roll you are hunting.
1/8 chance No thanks
Never happen, that might make the game fun...
Normally I would disagree cause "you can get it next time" BUT, they seem to lately be removing weapons come season end so *FOR EXAMPLE* if I missed out on Hothead week, come a new season, Hotheads no longer a drop and I missed out for simply having a life and not being able to play EVERY single week.
Edited by SuperXtream500: 8/19/2022 1:37:23 AMI hope, I want the Hothead but I know it’s gonna be on a tedious GM.
[quote]What's the implications of bringing all GM Nightfall specific weapons for us to farm in the the last week of the season? Could it be done without much trouble for the dev team? At least it's a manner of countermeasure FOMO I guess. And yes I couldn't manage to farm Adept Horror Least that week and now I feel miserable :/ Edit: PS: The idea is this to work like farming for unique loot, so we would target a specific Nightfall to farm a weapon like if I want Horror Least I'll farm The Corrupted for example.[/quote] Only 5 days left. b isn’t that adept
As long as you can choose the weapon
Never cared not worth the faf
I know what you mean. I actually moved around plans with a friend in real life so two other buddies and I could farm GMs for Horror's Least. I love 540s and really wanted it. Luckily he didn't mind switching days and my wife was very cool about me spending more time than usual on Destiny that week. It's very rare that I feel like I absolutely have to do something in the game, but that was some serious FOMO.
GM Corrupted was difficult that week especially in the elevator part
Seems like a good idea but you'll make the loot pool too large and likely never get a good roll on anything.
Good job on repeating aztecross's idea
I really like this idea. Btw Horrors Least will [b]NOT[/b] be leaving the loot pool next season. You still have time to farm it.
Edited by BOSSNONO254: 8/17/2022 6:18:17 PMThat would’ve been a great idea to throw in all adepts for the last week! *Edited It would’ve made a lot of players happy if Bungie threw in all adept weapons from this season in rotation for GMs. With yet another double rewards week with higher potential drop chances for weapons you do not yet have. That way players could of had something that would have been interesting enough to run, that would’ve also been extremely rewarding as well. All while waiting for the new season come reset.
Honestly I much prefer 1 weapon per week so I can target farm it rather than relying on more rng.