I think players should have the option to change the gender of our character in destiny 2, maybe even the look of out characters as well. Destiny 2 is undoubtedly one of the most popular MMORPGS in 2022, so why is such a seemingly simple option (that many other MMORPGS have) not available to the player? Even if it costed money to change my character, I would. I really want to change the gender and look of my character, especially considering I made my character back in destiny 1 when I was like 12-13. I don't know how difficult this would be to implement into the game, but it doesn't come off as something that would be very difficult. It's truly a shame that Bungie has never (to my knowledge) talked about this subject or ever mentioned the addition of something like this. I would WITHOUT a DOUBT pay to change the look and gender of my character, so please Bungie, if not for the community at least do it to make some extra easy cash!!
Reckless Grizzly
🇨🇦 - old
Also orientation, I think my Hunter is bi.