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Edited by Talia Sendua: 8/27/2022 1:17:01 AM

Auto Rifles suck in PvP because Destiny 2 is too much Precision Weapon driven. Same issue like with Halo and the DMR.

As long as the game is balanced around Hand Canons (120RPM) (according to Ascendant Nomad), Auto Rifles will never really shine at anything in pvp. They are just there as a starter weapon til you throw them away to run Hand Canons or Pulse Rifles. Sometimes even Scout Rifles. I miss the D1 times when SMGs didn't exist and Auto Rifles were actually good. Quicksilver Storm is the only really viable AR of the Exotics because it is an absolute Flinch Machine and has an additional Grenade Launcher. If I would propose some ideas how to make Auto Rifles better, without changing their TTK, I would say following changes would be needed: * Removal of [b]all[/b] ADS movement penalties from Auto Rifles * Increased Stability for all 720RPM Auto Rifles * Increased Mobility while holding a 600RPM Auto Rifle (we have not a single lightweight frame for Auto Rifles!) * Increased long-range Precision for all 450 RPM Auto Rifles * Reduced First Person Recoil display for 360RPM Auto Rifles (on some 360s the barrel feels very "twitching") The problem with Auto Rifles is, that they feel like an universal combat tool which aren't really competitive in comparison to all the more specialized primary weapon types in the game. They lack that Destiny-defining "Oompf" you (Bungie) always strife for. And that's why barely anyone plays them in PvP. Why use an Auto Rifle when basically every other primary gun type is more interesting to play?

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  • I finally found the one to blame for ARs being insufferable.

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  • We did multiple AR metas in both D1 and D2 and they were all terrible. No.

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    6 Replies
    • Auto riles will always suck in pvp because last time they had a damage buff a few years back it lasted 4 weeks before the handgun matter cryed it in to nerfing again

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    • Yeah ARs are terrible, and HCs are too good, but don't expect that to change until next season. They know ARs are bad but they're not going to address it until season 19.

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    • We did have a AR meta a few years ago which was enormous fun but by god the elitist hand canon users & streamers cried so much because they weren't dominating that Bungle quickly nerfed them back into the ground.

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      1 Reply
      • Remember Uriel's Gift? Wanna do that again? Me either.

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        • Idk man. Autos aren't great but it's pretty easy if you just aim

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        • Ease of use spray and pray weapons- Lower skill floor Precision weapons- Higher skill ceiling

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          • Krait seems to do fine with me and it's a fantastic roll adagio and subsistence

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          • I think that the main thing auto rifles as a whole need is an extended range on their damage drop off and aim assist. If range on auto rifles is a problem, then maybe they should have more flinch, and even bypass enemy flinch resistances at closer ranges, to offset their lower ttk and help them duel despite being the weaker pick. When looking at specific frames: High-impact frames (360 rpm) need much more stability and longer range on their aim assist and damage fall off. The buff they receive when standing still needs to be changed to increase their zoom magnifier, and reduce the flinch they receive dramatically. I also like the idea of changing the adaptive frame (600 rpm) to lightweight instead, if they don’t make a 900 rpm lightweight auto in the future. That’s just my opinion though. Autos need something, but I think we can all agree that damage isn’t what they need (except maybe precision in PvE).

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          • They suffer because of lack of flinching. 3 tapping with a hc with against an AR hitting your forehead is the problem. Plus smgs outpace them in everything except range, and pulse rifles outpace them flat out. Consecutive shots should create more flinch unique to only AR’s

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          • 600rpm autos roared in pvp two years ago before they got nerfondled. And yeah Uriel’s gift was a thing too a long time ago. Fun times

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          • Auto rifles suck in pvp because you can just throw one of the 1 million abilitites with zero skill or aim requirement at your enemies instead. D2 is not a shooter anymore. It's cringe "space magic".

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            1 Reply
            • SUROS Regime does me good. Equip all the auto mods too and it becomes a real treat.

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            • Been using a gnawing hunger with zen moment/rampage for 3 years. Works like a dream

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            • Edited by IlRetr0: 8/27/2022 8:50:09 PM
              Pvp sucks period

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            • 4
              The new ammit ar2 goes hard af in pvp

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              2 Replies
              • Suros is still pretty sick, but I don’t really care for AR’s where they stand. I prefer pulses and hand cannons. As long as the cry babies exist though, AR’s will never get their due.

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              • autos are dead cause of pulse better burst, range, damage. who would use autos when they're far more superior? 340s can even two tap

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              • Edited by Guardian5561: 8/28/2022 10:06:31 AM
                Go play COD if you want a spray and pray meta bro

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              • Buff graviton Lance in PvP

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              • 360s got a noticeable stability buff and hit out to 40m. That's pretty damn good imo. Precision and Adaptive frames could stand to gain 3m in damage falloff. Rapid fire frames have probably been the most consistent performers across metas but they are too similar to SMGs. I like auto rifles but the Uriel's Gift meta will go down as the worst ever imo. Gnawing Hunger meta was just as oppressive but too short lived to wear me down the way Uriel's did.

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              • Yes But also map design. Maps are all cqc to mid range. With very short sight lines. Hand canons for example can pop in and out if cover, meanwhile autos need a constant line of sight to be efficient. This is also partly, why there's so always so many shotguns being used

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              • Not to jump topic but any auto lover should pick up the craftable solar 450. Assassin/incandescent is the play in my book. Assassin/adaptive is the backup. Your solar titan will thank you.

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                2 Replies
                • Automatics work fine for me. And I don’t use anything special. No trials or raid autos, aside from reckless oracle. I used it once and it’s with my hunter. But other than that, they work fine

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                • Just use an SMG with rangefinder or Shayura’s 🤷🏼 They’re autos but better.

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