Put the aerial bits into one aspect then add one focused on support.
[quote][b]Heat Rises aspect:[/b]
-Move dash into heat rises
-Activate heat rises by slide melee, sends you into the air[/quote]
[b]Bountiful Sunlight aspect:[/b]
-Returns the old healing grenade charge
-Casting your class ability grants an orange sol Soul which provides restoration for 7 seconds on cast. Increases grenade regen rate[/quote]
-A Sol Soul would mesh well with both the aerial aspect and the grenade one.
(make it orange for the love of god, i don't want yet another white orb)
-Changing heat rises to melee activation allows you to overcharge you healing grenade again and be fun to use with phoenix dive (which needs a lessened cooldown)
-Healing rifts/wells removing restoration buff feels bad.
Edited by KingdeKobra: 9/1/2022 12:15:48 AMInstead of being classy restoration have it be a arc soul but shooting out healing to teammates
I actually really like the idea of a slide melee that leaves a trail of fire behind you as you take to the skies. Wow it’s almost like bungie put NO thought into Warlock 3.0 except for void.
A healing soul working like an arcsoul would be cool too, but it targets your team mates and heals them. Sol soul, applies scorch stacks upon hits to aif with ignitions, that would be sick in pve, especially on single targets.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the awful "synergy" here. I'd love to try my hand at reworking Solar 3.0 Warlock. In order to do that, we have to look at the Solar Warlock's themes, which are very phoenix-like; aerial play, healing, and burning. Solar 3.0 focused a bit too hard on the aerial play and healing, and Touch of Embers, as good as it is, feels like a cheap, band-aid solution to the "burn" aspect. I feel it's pretty simple to see that there are 3 aspect slots and 3 focus points for warlocks, so we can easily do that. Heat Rises Doesn't need much work. Let it grant grenade energy each time your scorch ticks, sorta like Dawn Chorus with melee energy. Maybe add the healing effect from Icarus Dash to it too? "Bountiful Sunlight" I like this idea, but I feel it could be a bit better. Like, you grant yourself or an ally a Sol Soul buddy whenever you heal or empower them. The sol buddy can grant different effects depending on the source, like, healing or empowering from rift or well can grant the benefits of standing in the rift or well for a few seconds even after leaving, and any burst heal can cause the restoration effect. Touch of Embers Despite this ability being pretty good, I feel it kinda feels like it's own thing without anything to support or be supported by (aside from the healing grenade stuff). I'd suggest a rework to bring it more in line with the burning/exploding aspect that old bottom tree had. Something like, "Your grenades deal more scorch and your scorch stacks linger longer. Defeating a scorched enemy or defeating an enemy with a solar ability causes the target to ignite. Daybreak projectiles deal increased damage the more scorched the target is and enemies standing in your Well of Radiance are scorched." Icarus Dash could probably be coupled with Phoenix Dive, but keep it a separate cooldown just as it is. This would definitely make Phoenix Dive, as is, a more appealing option.
Heat rises activating by melee is a bad idea. Warlocks are not the melee class. Arc 3.0 is an exception to this rule because arc is the aggressive element. Instead heat rises should activate by any solar ability kill.
They've never meshed well. In air combat sucks. But because icarus dash was decent, and starfire protocol exist all the bad stuff got ignored
For a class specialized in aerial combat it lacks the tools to do it efficiently outside of getting new sniper angles. Overall, Hunters have better aerial maneuverability.
please add to this arc warlock just needs a huge buff. a geo chaos reach should do the most damage out of any super since it has like an 8 second cast time. storm strance should do more damage than.. idk, anything? a 140 hc does more damage
just make the super last way longer, also make the super explode enemies like before. was my go to for GM hollowed lair ad clear
There's no skill in team shooting! - old
Cant wait to see how good it is for pveasy and that you are wrong. Fyi Everything is viable in a pve setting where enemies don't fight back, play the same way and don't offer a challenge. I hate what they did to voidwalker too. Chaos accelerant is a joke. -
Inb4 someone posts the star fire build and says you’re wrong 🙄
I want middle tree + boot of assembler + lumina build again !!! #makeWarlockGreatAgain
Edited by Maybe30Ninjas: 9/1/2022 4:22:10 AMI 100% get behind this. The thought of a Sol buddy healing my teammates would be amazing and would super fit the warlocks persona of being a healer
Replace the nade aspect with Solar Souls, consolidate Icarus and Heat Rises, then add Benevolence. Tie Phoenix Dive to Benevolence as well.
Warlocks we’re supposed to be the healing class but bungie took that away from them
We need a bottom tree aspect
I think Dawn Chorus should be added back the the lost sector loot pool bc it ain’t in collections or dropping anymore.
Solar 3.0 was an attempt to balance top tree Dawnblade. Like it or not, it was too strong even before 3.0. Giving you Touch of Flame and the full movement kit now is just too much. Just because it didn’t get better with 3.0 doesn’t mean it got worse. People were still using Solar 2.0 lock even with Void 3.0.
Edge of Intent already creates a Solar healing turret.