Why are people so mad Bungie that you're installing quitter penalties? Because you're penalizing players for your incompetence. Let's look at the facts:
- even though almost 75% of your population at any given time is a solo player, we still don't have a freelance playlist in control. You still refuse to acknowledge that your "team game" is mainly solo players.
- you could give a player full super energy or at least as full as the top player when you drop them into the middle of a match that they're losing by 50. No one likes to get supered four times in a row in a match that they just got thrown into. You're tracking energy so it would be a very simple fix. This has been suggested since Destiny 1 and we still haven't seen it.
- connections are sometimes so bad that the only recourse a player has is to leave a game. Now you want to penalize us for your lack of dedicated servers.
There are a myriad of other reasons why people will leave a match but I will let people leave that in the comments below. Suffice to say, almost all those reasons are your fault and should be fixed. Instead, you have the unmitigated gall to blame players for this?!?! Your problems in PvP are so bad you don't realize people will still quit matches. Then eventually they will just start quitting Destiny.
Here’s a take that I haven’t seen yet. It may or may not happen, but I’ll throw it out there anyway. If SBMM would truly work every time. Those regular quitters who would quit and get penalized are gone for sometime. While they are gone, it will actually improve the game experience a little bit for those who are already enjoying the SBMM mode. So this is a win-win for Bungie and those in the community that enjoys SBMM. Now the only thing that needs addressing are lag/ connection issue, and stacked teaming. Stack teaming could probably be solved by implementing lobby skill balancing. I don’t know how much they’re gonna do this, but since Free PvP mode is not a priority here now, it might not happen. Some of the lag/connection issue may also be attributed to crossplay, which may not be addressed as well since player numbers for this game is dwindling and is not optimal. Other than the that, one complaint of quitters leaving and now getting banned for a few minutes may actually help the experience of the already happy SBMM crowed that is already enjoying the game again. It could be a win-win scenario, for now. One more thing, I see a lot of gamers here threatening to stop playing, quit and leave the game for good because of this new quitter’s penalty. Welp, I guess it’s time for me to say this: This is not the Airport! Bwahahahahahaha! I always wanted to say that but I couldn’t find the opportunity yet. I guess this is a perfect time now.🤣 Wave goodbye guys when you hit the Departure Area of the Forums Airport. Hehe!
Edited by mja calg: 9/16/2022 2:44:03 AMI leave matches because: 1) I hate certain maps, which is mainly Disjunction and Cathedral of Dusk. I fly in, those maps are up, I leave. After all this time, it's impossible for Bungle to implement a Map Voting system? 2) If it's a 6 stack vs 6 solo players and I'm in the Solo side, I leave. I'm not padding someones KAD. Why there aren't Solo play lists for all the PvP modes? 3) If I check the Roster and see > 50% PSN or Stadia players (I'm on Xbox), I leave. Bungle's cross play is a laggy joke and I 'm tired of emptying Supers, Grenades, weapons, rockets, shotguns or swords into them, then being one shot by them and up to 10 seconds later, they up and die. Peer to Peer sucks. 4) If the Roster is made up of people who's gamer tags / clan names indicate they are in some far far away land where using rancid potato as a modem is considered "Good Internet", I leave. Lag suck the fun out of this game and Bungles' Skill based match making doesn't consider connection quality at all.
75% is an extremely high estimate. It's more like 25% are solo. Also, your assumption about quitting penalties leading to people leaving are a little inflated. 10% of the player base plays enough PvP to even care...Destiny 2 has about 27 million registered players, including freeloading new lights...so even if every PvP player left, it won't make much of a dent in the player population.
Great! This is a step in the right direction.
Apart from connection issue, the rest of what you said are list of excuses and nothing else.
So you’re telling me that stat padders and toxic rage quitters won’t play anymore? Fine with me.
You can still quit once for free, twice if you want with just a 30 min ban. Go have a sandwich and you can come back and play again.
there's a thing among the bungie devtypes that may correlate to issues we see in society. Person A creates a problem, Person B doesn't like the outcome, so that Person A then decides to double down on their created problems like they're giving us a solution. At no point does Person A admit fault or give us a solution. Only thing left is for Person A to call us every name in the book since we don't support the change. Solution since Person A is incapable of seeing the root of the issue, quit playing their game, in this case, quickplay. Would you normally vote for the people that has constantly caused your issues? No, and this is no different.
Just don't quit. So easy.
Edited by Chunk: 9/16/2022 1:11:52 AMBungie pointed out in the twab this mostly affected " high skilled " lobbies lag, map, kd preservation yadda yadda yadda go figure
If you're the kind of person who quits in the middle of crucible/gambit matches, you're the kind of person I never want to play with anyway. The game will continue to thrive without you and will be better for your absence.
Maybe not quitting for real, but a reduced number of players playing pvp
[quote]Why are people so mad Bungie that you're installing quitter penalties? Because you're penalizing players for your incompetence. Let's look at the facts: - even though almost 75% of your population at any given time is a solo player, we still don't have a freelance playlist in control. You still refuse to acknowledge that your "team game" is mainly solo players. - you could give a player full super energy or at least as full as the top player when you drop them into the middle of a match that they're losing by 50. No one likes to get supered four times in a row in a match that they just got thrown into. You're tracking energy so it would be a very simple fix. This has been suggested since Destiny 1 and we still haven't seen it. - connections are sometimes so bad that the only recourse a player has is to leave a game. Now you want to penalize us for your lack of dedicated servers.[/quote You don't seem to comprehend that the being dropped into the middle of a match problem is exactly what the leaver penalty is trying to resolve. You can't blame bungie for these pathetic players that are so worried about their stats that they constantly leave games n create the very problem you are complaining about. The connection stuff you aren't wrong about though. [/quote] There are a myriad of other reasons why people will leave a match but I will let people leave that in the comments below. Suffice to say, almost all those reasons are your fault and should be fixed. Instead, you have the unmitigated gall to blame players for this?!?! Your problems in PvP are so bad you don't realize people will still quit matches. Then eventually they will just start quitting Destiny.[/quote] Short of bad connection issues it's 100% the players causing the problem. Bungie doesn't make the playerbase pull the pathetic sht they do. Bungie doesn't force them to type on discord "lfm 3.0kd+ stomping noobs" then proceed to stack and have a new light be fireteam lead to circumvent sbmm and steam roll lesser players to pad their stats. I also don't recall them saying hey guys go reset your trials card n brag about stomping with a stack in non flawless pool all week to farm kd. That's just two examples of the pathetic antics. Bungie is obviously incompetent with their changes but pretending the pathetic player base isn't a giant contributor to the problems is stupid.
Edited by munkt0r: 9/15/2022 7:32:19 PMSure, some people will quit. But not enough to matter. Most will jsut complain on the forums while continuing to play. End of the day, the whole "sky is falling" mentality so many around here have is just part of this forum's charm. Been hearing it since 2013. Also, blame the community. If people could just not be selfish a-holes...wouldn't be in this situation.
Okay? That sounds like a good thing. The cheating quitters leaving is a good thing.
don't let the door hit you to hard on the way out. it swings shut fast.
Quitters will quit destiny? Ah well, nothing of value will be lost then
Amen. Won't change their stubborn pov but still yet another post by someone who actually knows what's up. I wish someone at Bungie would remotely think this way aswell.
This forum is nothing but patrol mode athletes who hate people that are good at the game. Just take a look at the Destiny tracker for all the people who post ignorant replies to this. It's hilarious. They are the people Bungie wants because they are the people who spend money in the store.
Hahaha. So THIS will be the real “destiny killer” ??? Lol
To the PvP community, This was a patch. You can't adapt. Git gud. The new meta: penalties for quitting control. Don't worry we have alot of baddies in patrol that are in need of your special skills. Lmfao at you.
Edited by Mara Sovereign: 9/15/2022 3:41:35 PMall among reasons why I don't crucible OR gambit, if I want to PVP I go to a place where skill and experience really matter, like GTA or Fortnite
Nobody likes a quitter
I mean pvp playerbase is already low, so you have a point, and yea I’m sure the player count will even be lower Somehow I find matches faster on halo and paladins lmfao I also don’t deal with ANY lag in those game lmfaoooooooo
This a 100% a factual lie and can be disproven.