For a while now hunters have appeared to be the favored class time and time again from broken exotics to outright better abilities. By now everyone should know that arcstaff is immortal and that should be fixed ASAP but even their arc melee is able to one punch a titan with 100 resilience and that's without gyrfalcon's (as if hunters needed a damage buff). I have never been able to have a good time in crucible for the entire lifespan of destiny 2 solely because of hunters and their target seeking instant supers. I'm not going to sit here and say that titans and warlocks can't be broken but at least you have to build the character a certain way first. Moving forward the other classes deserve the hunter treatment primarily in terms of exotic abilities, especially warlock which have almost no positive game changing exotics.
Apparently you never went against a splender helm titan or a nova warp warlock in the crucible