Hey y'all,
Decided to start posting ideas for buffing Chaos Reach every week until Bungie tweaks Chaos Reach (+ Geomags) or says they're not going to, for my own amusement. Let's see how long this lasts until I crack.
Week 1 Idea:
Pretty basic for the first time around. Just buff the damage significantly (~30% maybe) and restore some of its ability to save ability energy between casts outside of Crucible.
Have a great week, maybe see ya next TWAB
Edited by GIVE EM HELLBOY: 9/17/2022 2:00:08 AMIts a shame that certain aspects of classes are rendered useless in this game. If this was Warframe, you could do anything with Chaos Reach and be fine. Bungo could learn a thing or a thousand from that game eh?