I have a question for bungie. I recently had an accident in which I accidentally cut myself in my hand while cooking. I m gonna have surgery for this and I will not be able to play my casual activies I used to do like weekly quests/bounties/Trials of Osiris for 4-6 weeks. I was really excited for the start of Trials this season, and now it turns out I cant play for a long time. Do i get banned if I let my friend that i Know irl do Trials of Osiris for me for the next 4 weeks till I am (hopefully) recovered of my surgery? Please let me know.
Edited by SolarCerberuS: 9/23/2022 2:00:44 AMIf you know them irl have them come over and do it for you on your system no one can then prove if it was or wasnt you playing. Be mindful though If your irl friend uses cheats to get your account through yes you will be banned. If your friend has to login to your account from their end this could also trigger a ban (as it would detect your account being accessed by another) And again if this friend even has cheat/mod software active in the background that doesnt directly effect D2 it x Can and most likely will still result in a ban. End of the day it all boils down to how well you know and trust your friend, again if its an irl friend have them come over and play on your system that way you know they are playing legit. If however if this is a "will I get banned for recovs?" question the answer is yes most likely as recov services likely cheat/hack to 'guarantee the win'
now you will get banned if your friend use the account ,cuz trolls in forum will start report you
Get gud and adapt You still have two feet, right?
If your friend is roughly the same skill level as you, not an issue
Letting someone play unsupervised on your account is technically a violation of T&Cs.
As soon as you said trials and your friend I stopped believing you
Cool story bro.
i always knew u re dumb but not this dumb lmfao
Get your priorities in order. It’s not the end of the world if you miss out on some trials loot.
dude what the hell ? why are you even making a topic for this ? who s gonna know your friend is playing ? you r just snitching yourself
Short answer: yes
Not if you tell on yourself, which you already did, op. Eh, probably no. How would Bungie know that your friend is behind the monitor, playing with his joystick? Unless you blatantly make a post telling on yourself....🤣
Just have him come to your place to play.
Why even say anything? Should have just let your friend play for you. Hope you get banned.
Just get them to play at yours. IP and location will be the same and if there aren’t any massive skill differences between both of you then it would be impossible to tell.
As long as its not a paid recovery, and your friend doesnt do paid recoveries, you should be safe.
I believe that both Sony and Xbox can ban if you allow somebody to use your account. The way they could detect this, is if you are in one state where your account usually logs on from, and your friend is in another state and logs onto your account. I believe it also works that way on a more local area. If your friend simply plays your account, in your accounts normal location, there really is no way to detect that.
As long as your friend doesn't regularly do recoveries, you'll be fine. https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049517431-Destiny-Account-Restrictions-and-Banning-Policies
You can Letting anyone playing on your account could result in a ban Thing is they don't actively look at that so only really obvious recovery and known recovery account linking to others are normally hit for that But you just put a big red arrow on yourself for this post But even if you hadn't there still would have a chance you both got hit Not worth it
If your friend lives nearby then it’s most likely fine, at least for the 1st week. For consecutive weeks, it may be a little risky but I’m not sure. Business is still high for recov services via vpn’s being used to mask location so maybe you are fine since location isn’t the issue.
I sure hope so. Sorry about your accident+ heal quickly but why let someone play in your sted? I mean that borders on illness
Edited by Kemaleon: 9/21/2022 6:24:19 PMIn what way would he be playing for you? Ya see on one hand: No one will know if he is playing your console/PC for you, also plenty of people have more than one device in different locations so even if he signs in for you from somewhere else its not a ban. As long as no money changes hands then there is no legal reason for you to be banned. But on the other hand: Trials was supposed to be a legitimate hardcore MLG experience for good players to form teams, practice together and test themselves. Account recoveries and carries have made a mockery of this with the ethically challenged benefitting at the expense of the genuine player. So, if you have no integrity and want rewards you didn't earn then sure, go right ahead. I couldn't do it myself, I have more self respect.
As long as they are not using cheats in anyway. Besides this post they wouldn't have known it wasn't you. People still play together in the same room. I have a buddy that goes over to others houses for raids and such. Logs in on their extra box all the time.
If he does it at your own house , you should be fine. If he’s logs in on his own ps5 and there’s a chance you might get banned.
Is your friend close by? Best solution would be him coming over or you giving him your platform so that he plays on the same HWA Hope your hand feels better soon
Probably, I used to play for my brother-in-law who is active duty military but I won't risk getting his - or my - account banned ... it's not like there's anything new to play for anyways. It would've made more sense to ban players who are paid - in any form - to play for another, not people whom are playing for a friend or a family member, for a legit reason.