im a US player on pc, and i am getting "contacting Destiny 2 servers" messages with a variety of error codes ridiculously frequently. there appears to be nothing wrong with my cables or my internet connection, except or rare occasion. there is no reason i should be getting booted this frequently and having my play interrupted.
Same here. Ever since the recent update, it's been error bee and anteater repeatedly. Curious as to whether or not it's being worked on or even acknowledged. So far I haven't found any record of acknowledgement. Might have to take a break from destiny and hope they fix it. =/ no point in playing if I'm constantly disconnected.
Constant BAT errors. Should have known a patch would break things
I’m having the same issue with error code Bee. I have 1500mbps download, everything else in my home and on my PS5 is running fine, and I’ve been kicked from the master list sector probably ten times while about to open the chest. Only want one helmet. Last week RNG messed me up and this week it’s this error code. What next
I am also having this problem since yesterday. Constant "contacting servers" and bee/anteater disconnects