It'd just be nice to have an area with a bunch of different targets set up in a massive area, where we could run around and test all our loadouts in a standardized setting. I'm imagining something like a fireteam (1-6) only area with enemy cutouts or statues placed in various groupings or positionings. Those targets could have their crit spots marked and could show the exact outline of each hit they take (bullet, explosion, melee, etc). Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'm just thinking out loud here. Thoughts?
I have pretty bad eyesight, so one thing I do in games is always look for "workarounds", and in Destiny 2 what that means is that I stick to guns that have Enemy Highlight, large area scopes, easy to manage recoil, etc etc. I would be in favor of such a thing as a "shooting range" if on top of having the ability to test OUR guns, we could also test ALL guns. If it's a Virtual Shooting range, then why not allow temporary use of any gun with any perks we can pick, so we can see how the gun handles? Warframe has a "shooting range" that even allows calling in enemies. Now, that would be a TON of work for Bungie to implement, so I'm not expecting anything THAT level of crazy, but yea, having SOMETHING to test guns, DPS and other variables would be a welcome addition. I think the OP makes some good starting points. Because Destiny 2 can already "instance" places quite well, and we even had The Infinite Forest with a functional "randomizer", those, at least to me, sound like a decent base to create a "weapon testing grounds" of sorts.