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Edited by Phoenix1710: 10/4/2022 9:08:59 PM
I agree that this challenge is excessive, but I'm not 100% certain on just simply auto-completing it. As it stands, there are three main points of pain with this challenge. Let's break it down: 1. It requires the player to have three seasonal weapon patterns unlocked. This is more a problem with acquiring weapon patterns in general rather than a problem with the challenge. For many, rng and luck create massive barriers that can not be passed, and for many this may be true for the duration of the season. I myself only have one pattern unlocked despite all the hours I've put in this season and I am no where close to acquiring any more. 2. It grants Repute for completion. If this was a normal seasonal challenge without Repute it wouldn't be so bad. Annoying, but not bad. Players could just opt to skip it, but because it grants a critical seasonal currency it represents a significant roadblock. I personally have always viewed these currency challenges as something to be completed the week it becomes available. Something like doing your chores for the week or doing some laps around the block, but as stated in my previous point it can take longer than the season to unlock these patterns. 3. It requires level 10 on each weapon. This isn't as big a problem as the others but it is still annoying enough to mention. It's true that there are methods of grinding weapon levels, but influencing players to grind instead of playing normally isn't good game design, in my opinion. Aaaaand to make it worse it requires this three times. Ouch. So what's the best solution to all this, if any? I have no idea. I would prefer it to be reworked instead of simply being auto-completed, but I'm not familiar with what Bungie can do from their end without a patch. Maybe at least drop it down to one weapon completion instead of three? It would still be annoying fighting with rng for those patterns, but it would at least be a fair compromise. Hopefully they acknowledge it or something.

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  • wait til you see we need to get 2 weapons to level 20 in a future weekly challenge. Its just grind work for no purpose. just a hamster wheel to keep us running but, the content is just not there. Great job the last few seasons on story but, man has the game suffered for it.

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  • Edited by Kildozer666: 10/6/2022 3:57:49 PM
    Weapon crafting is ruining Destiny & Bungie has made the entire game 100% about grinding red borders or leveling weapons in mid-numbingly boring activities. My solution - Please have the team remove weapon crafting from the game & channel all freed up resources to producing actual content for the game - PvP maps, strikes, story campaigns, do something with gambit - anything.

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  • Need to see more responses like this.

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  • [quote]It's true that there are methods of grinding weapon levels, but influencing players to grind instead of playing normally isn't good game design.[/quote] This statement basically sums up the entire Destiny2 problem, as this can be said about anything in the game and not just the weapon grind

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  • [quote]This is more a problem with acquiring weapon patterns in general rather than a problem with the challenge. For many, rng and luck create massive barriers that can not be passed, and for many this may be true for the duration of the season.[/quote] HUGE issue in the game (for me) and that is the main reason I no longer go after anything like Titles/seals/whatever that has an rng requirement. If it happens in my natural style of play then it happens. I absolutely refuse to grind something that is rng. I picked up my 2nd frame a little while ago and if the 3rd doesn't get done by next reset then I'm sitting on 4/5 for Sailspy. Will have the guaranteed deepsight of it at reset if I still need it. If it weren't for the Repute then I wouldn't pay any attention at all.

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  • holy crap, this ninja had a thoughtful response.

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  • Edited by BOSSNONO254: 10/6/2022 1:16:51 PM
    Yeah it was a very well thought out response that was both valid and helpful. Because I know two ninjas who were @$$holes to me, and kept harassing me with a ban offense over talking about ways to avoid cheaters and how to report them on another thread.

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  • Edited by KR2X4B-523P: 10/5/2022 7:34:37 PM
    I think this is way to excessive For me I believe just 1 weapon to level 10 would be sufficient. The fact that you have to do 3 to get repute is nasty Now if it was not tied to getting repute I could accept it but the way it is I don't feel as if I want to do it. If it were a normal challenge then I could do it over a period of time but the repute is how you unlock the star chart items and that's why everyone feels they must do it as soon as they can. If it was just a normal challenge for bright dust then I would just equip one weapon when I feel I could and then level it up normally but now it's as though I'm being pushed to just farm and use all 3 weapons I don't really want to use especially as the ones I have the patterns for are not the ones I would actually want to craft and keep.

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  • Edited by JD: 10/5/2022 3:43:41 PM
    False. You don’t need 3 seasonal weapon patterns unlocked. You can craft the same weapon 3 times and get it to level 10 that completes the challenge. I agree though it shouldn’t be auto completed hell no. Nothing should be just like the 50 champs shouldn’t of been.

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  • Best Ninja reply I've ever seen! Thank you

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  • For real! 100% had faith restored in ninjas.

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  • Edited by BC1 Edge: 10/5/2022 2:47:09 PM
    Please, it is a stupid requirement. They screwed up with the other one and auto completed it and this one is just as bad.

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  • 👏🏻

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  • Edited by D-Ares710: 10/5/2022 6:15:04 AM
    No way the level 10 thing is a requirement, I have the arc lmg crafted and it's level 4 but I have 1/3 progress for this challenge.-. Edit: just seen that there's a new seasonal quest today that is asking for 10 levels on crafted seasonal weapons 🥴

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  • 2
    Week 10 there’s another one for seasonal crafted weapons to level 20 😂. If you’re in a rush to get it done you can craft the same weapon 3 times and get it to level 10 but I would rather just skip the challenge then do that.

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  • Only solution I think would be a compromise is change it to any red border weapons, not just this season's. That way people can grind the weapons they want and/or already have unlocked.

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  • Very fair take which is not how Bungie normally does things. I wish someone on their team would temper some of the things they to do with a fair perspective like yours 👍🏽.

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  • [quote]1. It requires the player to have three seasonal weapon patterns unlocked. This is more a problem with acquiring weapon patterns in general rather than a problem with the challenge. For many, rng and luck create massive barriers that can not be passed, and for many this may be true for the duration of the season. I myself only have one pattern unlocked despite all the hours I've put in this season and I am no where close to acquiring any more. [/quote] This point is also especially frustrating for those of us experience the bug that makes it to where the hidden compartment upgrade doesn't even work so we have no guaranteed ways of getting deepsight.

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  • [quote]I agree that this challenge is excessive, but I'm not 100% certain on just simply auto-completing it. As it stands, there are three main points of pain with this challenge. Let's break it down: 1. It requires the player to have three seasonal weapon patterns unlocked. This is more a problem with acquiring weapon patterns in general rather than a problem with the challenge. For many, rng and luck create massive barriers that can not be passed, and for many this may be true for the duration of the season. I myself only have one pattern unlocked despite all the hours I've put in this season and I am no where close to acquiring any more. 2. It grants Repute for completion. If this was a normal seasonal challenge without Repute it wouldn't be so bad. Annoying, but not bad. Players could just opt to skip it, but because it grants a critical seasonal currency it represents a significant roadblock. I personally have always viewed these currency challenges as something to be completed the week it becomes available. Something like doing your chores for the week or doing some laps around the block, but as stated in my previous point it can take longer than the season to unlock these patterns. 3. It requires level 10 on each weapon. This isn't as big a problem as the others but it is still annoying enough to mention. It's true that there are methods of grinding weapon levels, but influencing players to grind instead of playing normally isn't good game design, in my opinion. Aaaaand to make it worse it requires this three times. Ouch. So what's the best solution to all this, if any? I have no idea. I would prefer it to be reworked instead of simply being auto-completed, but I'm not familiar with what Bungie can do from their end without a patch. Maybe at least drop it down to one weapon completion instead of three? It would still be annoying fighting with rng for those patterns, but it would at least be a fair compromise. Hopefully they acknowledge it or something.[/quote] I have a question sir This is a video games not something we should base self esteem off of, it's artificial and fleeting. You should base your sense of self off something grounded and permanent. And you talked about viewing the weekly missions as as chore, or doing laps around the block. Both are nessarcy tasks to maintaining proper body and mental health, physical activity is just as important bas success in school, and work should be balanced by taking time to your hobbies (video games are a hobby not a job) however spending more time on a video game then in real life is just as unhealthy as spending all your time at work. I thought Bungie Believed in Mental Health Awareness. ^ so why can't we have it get auto completed? Bungie made a mistake let's call it what it is bite the bullet so to speak. And make a fix the that benefits everyone. Oh and anyone who has completed it already?? give them Silver for thier troubles not much only a hundred. It's a solution that would benefit everyone. Here the qoute thing in confused about. [quote]It grants Repute for completion. If this was a normal seasonal challenge without Repute it wouldn't be so bad. Annoying, but not bad. Players could just opt to skip it, but because it grants a critical seasonal currency it represents a significant roadblock. I personally have always viewed these currency challenges as something to be completed the week it becomes available. Something like doing your chores for the week or doing some laps around the block, but as stated in my previous point it can take longer than the season to unlock these patterns.[/quote]

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  • Make it so any witch queen season weapon counts, not just plunder. So we're not forced to invest time in weapons we're not interested in

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  • Just no simple as that.

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  • What about completing the deepsight on red frames? Now that we can get a weekly red frame by focusing, that should make it less irritating, just time consuming. Or craft X number of weapons from any/all patterns and level them. By now, some of us should have an idea of rolls we want for some weapons and this could be encouragement to make them?

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  • With their bastardized version of Warframe crafting? Let's change it to be closer to that version - Reduce pattern requirement to only one - Add a blueprint or two from vendors to buy as safety net - Make reshaping free - Add incentive to level up weapons such as level reset (forma reset in Warframe) for lowered mod cost/extra perk slot on one column Pretty much still grinding, but less RNG and some incentive to play and invest on your weapons

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  • "- Add incentive to level up weapons such as level reset (forma reset in Warframe) for lowered mod cost/extra perk slot on one column" I was wondering where the Warframe comparison was heading, and I gotta say, I like this idea.

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