Please, please change how ruffians work, or the requirements for the title. I am so tired of having to borderline grief my teammates by throwing away treasures just to complete even a fraction of the required 50 ruffian kills. It's miserable for the people just trying to complete the treasure objective too, I'm sure. At this point, I'm concerned that by trying to go for this triumph (which is required for the title), I'm just going to get reported repeatedly for griefing and subsequently banned. And I'm doubt I'd be the only one.
Why make something like this required for the title when it screws absolutely everyone over? :(
Yeah. I've genuinely angered people for tossing away the treasure engrams. Last week, I'm sure I was reported by a dude who kept shooting me with his auto rifle for tossing them. He was clearly ticked and had no idea what was happening. I hope Bungie sees the increased griefing reports during the Expedition activity and learns how dumb this was.