Please, please change how ruffians work, or the requirements for the title. I am so tired of having to borderline grief my teammates by throwing away treasures just to complete even a fraction of the required 50 ruffian kills. It's miserable for the people just trying to complete the treasure objective too, I'm sure. At this point, I'm concerned that by trying to go for this triumph (which is required for the title), I'm just going to get reported repeatedly for griefing and subsequently banned. And I'm doubt I'd be the only one.
Why make something like this required for the title when it screws absolutely everyone over? :(
News flash IF you want to chase ruffians, create an lfg, list you are after the ruffians and get 2 other team mates and grind out several at a time. Why people think MM needs to be something to fit exactly what they are after is beyond me. This is just another example of why MM in higher tier end game activities should never be considered.