I think I might be the only person who's interested in this, but I think I'd very much enjoy a photo mode that let's you take screenshots of your guardians doing cool things, kind of like how warframe let's you do it. I'd be really cool to dress up your guardian's put on your favorite gun and pose them for cool action scenes, or you can have them do an emote, and press a button to have them stuck in a certain part of the emote's animation. almost as if to show a guardian's more casual side when they're not saving the universe. I'd be nice to invite friends over for photoshoots, or if you want can use your alternate guardians if you have them as models to include. I know some D2 veterans who went out of their way to take selfie's with raid bosses, so why not?
Ehy Guardian. The idea is cool and it would be a nice addition to the game indeed, but I'm kinda sure Bungie never mentioned the intention to bring it in the game. I suppose Photo Mode is part of that compartment of improvements that Bungie struggles with like creating new Maps, revisiting other functions like character editing ecc. They've talked about "new technologyes" in the Lightfall presentation. Who knows if those will allow them to actually bring all these features in the game.