Looking for a clan that won't kick me randomly, I'm very active on destiny 2. Time zone preferred is EDT
We are Redux Gaming Community. We are based in North America. We are a clan full of adults with jobs, careers, working on degrees, families and spouses. Because of this most of our end game activities are planned ahead of time, sometimes we can't just stop doing what we are doing to join on a GM or a raid. Sure every so often we can get a team going on the fly. We play all aspect of the game PVP, Trials Gambit and end game PVE . If you are looking for a clan that gets stuff done check us out at https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Index?groupId=1877171. After you request to join keep an eye out on your bungie.net messages. "The more invested you are in the people, the more invested you are to the clan, the more invested you are to the clan, the more invested you are to the game"