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I have cross save activated for both the ps4 and pc with a ps4 account. But now that I have a ps5 I have a new account but using the same email address from the ps4 account but different password. And different account name on the ps5. Can bungie deactivate my current ps4 account from cross save instead of me contacting sony to get my old ps4 account which I dont even use? I've got 948 hrs on steam but selling pc. Wanna play it on ps5 with a new account but same email address. Thanks.
Regardless of using the same email, the new PSN account will always be separate from your old PSN account. They cannot be merged, nor cross-saved (can't save between same platform). There are no PS4 and PS5 account per se, as they are all PSN accounts. You could just continue to use your existing PSN account on PS5. However, if you do choose to swap the accounts, be warned, you'd first need to deactivate cross-save, then unlink the old PSN account, link new PSN account [b]wait for 90 days (deactivation lockout)[/b], then reactivate cross-save with new PSN account.