Folks, Have you been sent out by the Vanguard on expeditions in and out of the universe? Have you traversed through Unsafe Areas? Buildings weren't up to code? Waded through haunted derelict ships? Sent back in time risking the time space continuum over a single person? Have you been killed on multiple occasions and revived by your ghost? Then you may be entitled to compensation.
Hi, my name is Necrogen and I work with Law firm GPS. We are an esteemed law firm specializing in guardian injuries.. Whether you're on home turf falling off the balconies that have yet to be fixed or whether you're out at the edge of space Touching an inch of water. If you have been injured, If it has resulted in death then we will stop at nothing to make sure that you get the glimmer you deserve.
[i]GPS, where we recalculate those earnings that you're about to make.[/i]
Well, just like every other class action lawsuit, give me my $4.00 so the lawyers get all the real money.