Every match I've been in today, the invader has dropped right onto my head, or in the same side of the map, to the point that before the screen can flash red that they invaded, I'm a ghost on the ground and their loading their next rocket?
I understand there ARE other areas that have no one in them that they could spawn, but so far every time an invader has jumped into my teams area, they are literally on top of me in the same zone, or on top of a teammate while i run to bank.
They increased the spawn zones for invaders as they nerfed some of their abilities. The invaded side knew all the previous spawn points where an invader could spawn so they could kill them pretty much as they spawned in. So now it’s pure chaos.
Update on this: Zone was caverns for the mars map, my entire team was there killing adds and the Invader spawned LITERALLY at the top of the stairs I had no time to take out anything to kill them since he turned around and already had his heavy out, it was a massacre...How am I supposed to have a chance to do anything to fight back, if the invader gets the literal drop on us in an enemy filled zone where the radar is as helpful as, as a plastic bag stopping anyone from getting to food/drinks inside?