Dawn Chorus is the only exotic armor piece that I'm missing. Yes I own all dlcs because if I didn't why do I have the others and I say this because the first question is do I own beyond light. Of course I do but besides that I've ran three different lost sector's with no luck of obtaining the last missing piece. I stopped playing destiny 2 before Forsaken and recently started playing again during witch queen so I wouldn't have any of the exotics tied to lost sector's and also I complete all campaigns so its not that either. The helmet went missing since the beginning of season 18 and I recently started going after exotics for my hunter and warlock and all exotics dropped that were new before old exotics. The only one not to drop is dawn chorus. A lot of people are saying it is rng and of course yes it is rng but new exotics are weighted more than old ones and for the three lost sector's I should've been had it but they've only been dropping only old exotics that I wasn't planning on getting. Please bungie fix this I want to complete my exotic collection and its driving me nuts!
Bungie please fix this!