General problem: When you farm something
- you have a low chance of a drop
- if you get a drop, you may not get the item you are farming for
- if you get the item, it most likely doesn't have the perks or stats you are looking for
I have just been farming a lost sector, once again, for hours, on master difficulty, and
- most of the time I got nothing
- when I got something, it was an enhancement core most of the time
- when I got an exotic, it always was one I had already on my account and which always came with an undesirable stat mix
These factors are multiplicative and make it pointless to farm particularly lost sectors for exotic armor.
I don't know what is driving you here, Bungie. Is it a lack of intelligence? Is it stubborness? Are you still so determined to push what you believe this game should be and would make it awesome into the faces of your customers? What's your benefit of either having your customers sink endless hours into your game because of this utter rubbish of a game and activity design, or having them not do it at all or give up on it and vent their frustration publicly?
I am watching how you are handling this game for years, and nothing you did could convince me that you are not a bunch of self centered dreamers living in their own world, detached from reality, full of themselves, believing Destiny is the greatest game ever conceived and implemented, vastly ignorant of and desinterested in what your customers express how they want this game to be.
Yes, you still make money off this game. I tend to believe you would make more money if you would cater to your customers more instead of clinging your own misguided game design concepts no matter what because you are so convinced they are great that nothing can make you change your mind.
Why the heck don't you let your customers chose the reward they want to get from such an activity, and also take any stat selectors into account they may have put on their ghost when determing the stats?
No? Too much effort? Too hard to figure? Would make players happy instead of frustrated?
Correct. They do not.