It's Saturday, that means HYDRA is conducting another op. In England right now they are celebrating rebellion against authority by lighting bonfires. This will not stand, authority must be respected. HYDRA High Command has ordered a black operation. Skull Team 6 is to secretly replace all the lighter fluid used to ignite the bonfires with a newly developed egg salad converter accelerant from our R&D nerds. Come nightfall, the explosions of smelly egg salad caused by unsuspecting partygoers will remind them guv'nahs why you should always obey. Unfortunately, someone tipped off Captain Britain and Excalibur of our intentions. Our Skull Commandoes must do their best to avoid them. Operation: Bonfire Night is in effect.
[b]HAIL HYDRA!!!!!!!!!!!![/b][/i]
Edit: HYDRA automatically wins every time you crash these polls, Nil. Keep it up.
Yes, yes, HAIL HYDRA!!!!! But Sir, with respect, why make my bonfire night all stinky? You realise we burn effigies of troublemakers on those things, right?