Hey everyone,
So I'm a tad confused about what's going on with D2 and would be very much appreciative of any workarounds or fixes. It started the other day; just finished building my PC and had installed everything. Opened up D2 and it was fine; next day however I started getting sometimes 50 fps in orbit but whenever I enter an activity, Gambit, Grasp Dungeon, King's Fall; it doesn't go any higher than 30 fps and lowest is 18 fps.
Other games like Overwatch 2 for example is fine. So it's not a hardware component issue. I have tried:
* Adjust Graphic settings - All the settings are on low/medium
* Did the Frame rate cap glitch where I enabled cap, hit apply, and then disabled it and hit apply.
* Reinstalled current Nvidia drivers
* Verified Integrity Game Files
* Cleared the D2 cache
* Uninstalled D2 and reinstalled it
* Even tried putting another fan into my PC to see if that would improve it somewhat.
My PC Specs are:
CPU - AMD Ryzen 3 3200G with Radeon Vega Graphics - 3.60 GHz
RAM - 16.0 GB (13.9 GB usable)
Graphics - Nvidia Geforce GTX 1650
Motherboard - Asus Prime A320M-K
Fans - UpHere 120 fans x3
Again would be really appreciative if anyone can help or if anyone knows of this being an active issue in D2
EDIT: Fixed it by changing the client from the one in downloads to the one from steam and putting that on high performance
Could be Windows 11.